
Series: Nouă
Year of publication: 2016
Publishing house: Andreiana, Sibiu
ISSN: 1222-9695
ISSN Online: 2069-8895
Matthew 23:33 – The Reptilian Image of the Pharisees as an Argument for the Demonic Origins of Hypocrisy - Revd. George Cosmin Piț*
This article aims to identify aspects of demonic possession in the hypocritical behaviour of the Pharisees, starting from the emphasis on “hypocrites” in Matthew’s passage and taking into account the severity of the Saviour’s critics in the eight “woes” in Matthew 23:13-33. In Matthew’s text, the Saviour repre- hends (a technical term for exorcism) the Pharisees, in order to expel evil, the spirit of hypocrisy, which paralyzes their mind and heart, and prevents them from approaching the Messiah. We seek to demonstrate that hypocrisy is the devil’s influence which Christ wanted to hinder with unprecedented determination expre- ssed in Matthew’s text through the excessive use of the expression “Woe to you!”.
Keywords: - Matthew 23, Pharisees, snakes, hypocrisy, demonic possession
Revd. George Cosmin Piț, PhD Student at The Doctoral School of the Andrei Șaguna Faculty of Theology, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, The Theological Research Center Sibiu
Address : - Sibiu, Romania
E-mail : - georgepit@yahoo.com
E-mail : - georgepit@yahoo.com
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Un manoscritto melurgico assai particolare della Biblioteca Statale del Monumento Nazionale di Grottaferrata:
il Codice Cryptense Γ.γ.ΙΙ Escursione storica e liturgica nel contenuto del manoscritto con una sua descrizione dettagliata - Drd. George Diaconu*
The Great Doxology is one of the first worship liturgical hymns, attested by the Apostolic Constitutions and by the Alexandrine Codex. However, from a musical npoint of view, the Great Doxology was entirely composed into music in the Byzantine musical notation at relatively late stage, around the 2nd – 3rd quarters of the 17th century; the musical score of the first Great Doxology belongs to the bishop Melchizedek of Redestos – from Eastern Thrace (1615-1625), on the first plagal voice. This liturgical song is found in the Γ.γ.ΙΙ manuscript of the National Monument’s State Library from Grottaferrata f. 73r et sequens. The fact is there is no mention about its author, but on the basis of a comparative analysis between different manuscripts containing various Doxologies, there is no doubt about its appurtenance: its author is indeed Melchizedek, bishop of Redestos! Therefore, this one is the first Great Doxology!
Keywords: - the Great Doxology, the bishop Melchizedek of Redestos, the Γ.γ.ΙΙ manuscript.
George Diaconu, dottorando della Facoltà di Teologia „Sfântul Andrei Șaguna” dell’Università „Lucian Blaga” di Sibiu, Dipartimento di Musica ecclesiastica e rituale, sotto la guida del P. Prof. Univ. Dott. Vasile Grăjdian, in vista del conseguimento del grado di Dottorato in Teologia
Address : - Sibiu, Romania
E-mail : - gloriainexcelsisdeo2@libero.it
E-mail : - gloriainexcelsisdeo2@libero.it
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John Wycliffe and the Lollards: Precursors of the Protestant Reform - Ginel Mocanu
During the second half of the 14th century, the opposition to the Roman Church took an organized, fundamental form in England. Its most important advocates were John Wycliffe and his disciples, the “Lollards.” As early as 1350, Wycliffe supported the emancipation of the Church of England from under papal authority, an idea promoted by the English monarchy. John Wycliffe advances two fundamental theses: a theory of secular power that resembles that of Marsiglio de Padova, and one that refers to the reformation of the Church. Wycliffe’s ideas foreshadow Marin Luther’s doctrine that came to light in 1517, and that is the reason why he is considered a precursor of the Protestant Reform. Lollards - Wycliffe’s disciples - disseminated a simplified version of their mentor’s theological doctrine. Lollardy is comprised of three trends of opposition: a university trend, animated by Wycliffe’s disciples in Oxford; a political trend, rallying the noblemen supporting the Crown’s independence from the Church; and thirdly, there is secular Lollary, associating a ruthless criticism of the visible Church to the teachings of the Gospel.
Keywords: - John Wycliffe, the Lollards, the Protestant Reform, England, the Church of
Rome, papacy
Rome, papacy
Ginel Mocanu, PhD student at the Andrei Şaguna Orthodox Faculty of Theology, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania
Address : - Sibiu, Romania
E-mail : - ginel_mocanu@yahoo.com.
E-mail : - ginel_mocanu@yahoo.com.
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The situation of the Christian in the Balkan Peninsula during the Ottoman Rule. The Role of the Converts to Islam to the Rise of the Ottoman state - Prof. PhD. Paul Brusanowski
One of the most delicate of South-Eastern History’s subjects regards the centuries in which this region was under Ottoman rule. The Greek, Serb and Bulgarian historiographies accentuate the negative character of the Ottoman rule, considering it as a censorship in their national histories. The works of the Romanianhistorians of older times (but also of more recent ones) often focus on the danger that the Ottomans posed for the Romanian countries North of the Danube. In this paper I intend to briefly and synthetically present the main institutions and governing attitudes of the Ottomans in the Balkans, as well as their repercussions on the Christian peoples of the Balkan Peninsula.
Keywords: - Ottoman Empire, converts, reaya, millet, crypto-Christians
Dr. Paul Brusanowski, Professor at the Andrei Şaguna Orthodox Faculty of Theology, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania
Address : - Sibiu, Romania
E-mail : - pbrusan@yahoo.de
E-mail : - pbrusan@yahoo.de
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Solie în favoarea creştinilor a lui Atenagora Atenianul - Drd. Călin Popescu
Athenagoras of Athens’ Embassy for the Christians is a very important work of the 2nd century of the Christian era, and brings out a carefully written plea for justice to the Christians made by a philosopher, on philosophical grounds, to the Emperors Marcus Aurlius and his son Commodus, whom he flatters as conquerors, “but above all, philosophers”. He first complains of the illogical and unjust discrimination against the Christians and of the calumnies they suffer, and then meets the charge of atheism. It should be noted that a major complaint directed at the Christians of his day was that by not believing in the Roman gods, Christians were showing themselves to be atheists. He establishes the principle of monotheism, citing pagan poets and philosophers in support of the very doctrines for which Christians are condemned, and argues for the superiority of the Christian belief in God to that of pagans. This first strongly-reasoned argument for the unity of God in Christian literature is supplemented by an able exposition of the Trinity.
Keywords: -
Călin POPESCU, PhD Student at The Doctoral School of the Faculty of Letters, University of Piteşti and at The Doctoral School of the Faculty of Theology, Ovidius University of Constnaţa, Romania
Address : - Constanţa, România
E-mail : - calinpopescu_cz@yahoo.com
E-mail : - calinpopescu_cz@yahoo.com
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Development center for school children, a possible model of education for life - Assist. Prof. Carmen Maria CHIŞIU
The Development Center is intended for school pupils in primary education from pre-school class up to the fourth grade, in heterogeneous groups in age, considering that life involves relationship and communication with partners of different ages. The Center aims to answer several students’ needs, their parents’ and those of the education system, having as an objective to train children for life. The Learning Community that we propose, is based on the philosophy of Montessori pedagogy, by organizing activities focused on the 9 intelligences of Haward Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences and through approaching education starting from the theory of humanistic psychology. The psychoemotional climate, the way of organizing activities and the learning strategies used will build a school that has as purpose the development of children’s individual potential, creating an environment to support life training for the harmonious development of students’ personality.
Keywords: - development center, education for life, non-formal education, New Education,
Montessori pedagogy, theory of multiple intelligences
Montessori pedagogy, theory of multiple intelligences
PhD. Carmen Maria Chişiu, Assistant Professor at the Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu.
Address : - Sibiu, Romania
E-mail : - carmenmariachisiu@yahoo.com
E-mail : - carmenmariachisiu@yahoo.com
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