
Series: Nouă
Year of publication: 2016
Publishing house: Andreiana, Sibiu
ISSN: 1222-9695
ISSN Online: 2069-8895
Knowing the Mystery of God’s Son Incarnation in the Spiritual Experience within the Writings of Saint Maximus the Confessor - H.E. Prof. Irineu Popa
This study provides a thorough analysis of conditions and relations of the divine and human natures’ union in the unique Hypostasis of Christ the Saviour. Theology of St. Maximus the Confessor is invoked in its subtleties and depths, realizing, by evoking, too, of other Church Fathers founders of Christology and inspirers of St. Maximus - St. Athanasius and St. Cyril of Alexandria - a complex and detailed picture of the consequences of the incarnation of the Son of God, Christological perichoresis of the two natures - divine and human - basing their cooperation on the mutual agreement between the two wills perfectly expressing these two natures. Countless modern sources interpreting the maximian theology complement and deepen the description of the mystery of the Son of God embodiment in history.
Keywords: - hypostatic union, Maxim the Confessor, perihoresis of physis, salvation
His Holiness Dr. Irineu Popa, Archbhisop of Craiova and Metropolitan of Oltenia
Location : - Craiova, Romania
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Lights and Shadows: “Dostoevsky’s paradox” or between Atheism and Faith in Jesus Christ - Assist. Prof. Ciprian Iulian TOROCZKAI & Assioc. Prof. Daniela PREDA
This study presents the positive and the negative elements of the life and work of F. M. Dostoevsky. In fact, all his work is marked by the opposition between heroes and anti-heroes, between despair and hope, between faith and atheism. Nihilism is the keynote of his work, but the Russian writer fought all his life against this nihilism. This was, we believe, the “paradox” of his life.
Keywords: - Jesus Christ, faith, atheism, F.M. Dostoevsky
PhD. Ciprian Iulian Toroczkai, Assistant Professor at the Andrei Şaguna Orthodox Faculty of
Theology, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania // PhD. Daniela Preda, Associated Professor at the Andrei Şaguna Orthodox Faculty of Theology, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania
Theology, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania // PhD. Daniela Preda, Associated Professor at the Andrei Şaguna Orthodox Faculty of Theology, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania
Location : - Sibiu, Romania
E-mail : - torocipri@gmail.com // dana.preda@ulbsibiu.ro
E-mail : - torocipri@gmail.com // dana.preda@ulbsibiu.ro
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Paideia Christi oder Von der Begegnung des frühen Christentum mit der griechischen Bildung - A.M. RITTER
This study presents a brief analysis of the contributions of the great patristic scholars, Werner Jaeger, in defining what in modern western thought was called „the third humanism“, by highlighting by him that St. Gregory of Nyssa has presented in an exemplary manner in the De Instituto Christiano treaty, the process of replacing the ancient ideal of education with Paideia Christi. Subtle connections between the different contributions from other patristic and modern thinkers to redefine the modern humanism, and essential and succinct references on how, in the early Christian era, the two education models has changed and metamorphosied, makes this study an interesting introduction to the issue of Greek and Christian education
Keywords: - paideia, Christian education, the future humanism, Gregory of Nyssa, Werner
Adolf Martin Ritter, Professor Emeritus of Heidelberg University, Germany
Location : - Germany
E-mail : - amritter@t-online.de
E-mail : - amritter@t-online.de
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The Persecution of Romanian Monasticism during the Communist Regime – an attempt at Contextualization - Revd. Ioan ŞARPE
Taking into account a broader political and cultural context, we can better understand the genesis of Decree 410/1959 and we can appreciate accordingly the measures taken by Patriarch Justinian to develop and save monasticism from the constraints created by the communist regime. To that effect a sketchy arch over time is drawn, from which one can observe the existence of an antimonastic current that lies latent in the Christian civilization, either because it is considered obsolete and a deviant form of Christian living that takes hold of human and economic resources to the detriment of the state, or because it realizes its strength to oppose it and to thwart the expansion of doctrinal and cultural “renewal” currents.
Keywords: - Romanian Orthodox Church, monasticism, Patriarch Justinian Marina, Decree
Revd Ioan Şarpe, PhD student at the Andrei Şaguna Orthodox Faculty of Theology, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania
Location : - Sibiu, Romania
E-mail : - ioansarpe@yahoo.com
E-mail : - ioansarpe@yahoo.com
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La cristallisation de la spiritualité orthodoxe dans les IVe et Ve siècles. L’émergence de l’oeuvre de Saint Diadoque - Protos. Dr. Vasile BÎRZU
The work of Saint Diadochus of Photicée, spiritual writer from fifth century, was appreciated by the early critics and theologians of the last century as a dialectic synthesis between messalian and macarian sentimentalism and évagrian intellectualism. His writings have been considered influenced by Messalianism – expressed by expressions borrowed from Pseudo-Macarius - and by those closer or attached to Pseudo-Macarian Corpus and even as a synthesis and a correction of it. This design was later adjourned, by patrologists scholars, both from Western and Eastern world, admitting a larger inspiration of Saint Diadochus from his spiritual environment. Our study proposes, in line with the latest updates, to show that the understanding of the work of Saint Diadochus must be made in the light of Tradition, as an organic synthesis of the elements of the oral, cultural and apophtegmique tradition of his time. We will analyze and reassess the dates on doctrinal disputes of the epoch and their inter-determination according to the geographical and cultural context in which Saint Diadochus lived and wrote his works. Also we will emphasize the rapprochement and parenting of the work of Saint Diadochus with works of other contemporary spiritual writers. We uphold on the considerations made by the patristic critics and evaluations about the work of Diadochus, and enriching them with new observations, we wish to highlight the influence of his work not only by the Corpus of Pseudo-macarian Homilies and the works of Evagrius, but also by other conventional sources and writers, both Greek than Latin, his spirituality being a response both to the Messalianism évagrianisme but also to other akin heresies and disputes. We intend to show that the work of Saint Diadochus and his spirituality are at the heart of Tradition, achieving an organic synthesis between two spiritual currents, messalien and évagrien and between several trends caused by the common issue in the course of be specified in the fifth century: the content and mode of communion, by grace, of the soul with God. In this way we hope to achieve a deepening of the patristic argument of Professor Alexandre Golitzin, who reveals the center position and the importance of the anthropomorphite dispute for the definition of Christian spirituality.
Keywords: - Diadoque of Photicee, spirituality, messalianism, hesychasm.
Protos. Dr. Vasile Bîrzu, maître-assistant à la Faculté de Théologie Andrei Şaguna de
l᾽Université Lucian Blaga de Sibiu, Roumanie
l᾽Université Lucian Blaga de Sibiu, Roumanie
Location : - Sibiu, Romania
E-mail : - perevasile@yahoo.fr
E-mail : - perevasile@yahoo.fr
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