
Series: Nouă
Year of publication: 2024
Publishing house: Andreiana, Sibiu
ISSN: 1222-9695
ISSN Online: 2069-8895
- Studii si Articole // Articles
- Pagini Patristice // Patristics
- Eseu bibliografic // Review Essay
- Recenzii și notițe bibliografice // Book Reviews
Autor / Author
Evangelos NIKITOPOULOS & Patrick Craig TRUGLIA
Titlu Articol / Article Title
Rezumat / Abstract
Analyzing hitherto neglected passages in Saint Gregory the Theologian and Saint Jerome, we argue that the Areopagitic corpus was known in the late fourth century AD. A close textual comparison of Dionysius with the works of Proclus, including an important comment in the latter’s Commentary on the Parmenides, reveals that Proclus is dependent on Dionysius and not the other way around. Furthermore, close lexical parallels between Dionysius and the Alexandrian philosophical school, together with a host of internal details, all point to a date of composition before the third century. We conclude by discussing implications of this thesis for the study of early Christianity.
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords
Dionysian Corpus
Despre Autor / About the Author
Patrick (Craig) TRUGLIA, Columbia University, M.A. Profession: Missionary (to Cambodia) and English Language Orthodox Apologist.
Locație / Location
Syracuse, NY (United States of America)
Autor / Author
Gheorghe ISTODOR
Titlu Articol / Article Title
The Experience of the Prayer of the Heart
A Condition of Contemplating the Light of God.
Missionary Considerations
Rezumat / Abstract
Prayer is our dialogue with God implying a collaboration of man’s mind with his „heart”, defined as „the centre of spiritual life”. When it becomes contemplative, prayer prepares the way to seeing the light, characterized by the making of deeds altogether with the incessant repentance. The prayer of Jesus makes possible the descent of the mind into the heart and completes the communion with Christ the Savior, as the Lord and God of man. The sight or glory of God represents the purpose of man’s entire soteriological effort and represents a real communion with the Son of God, not embodied in the Old Testament, and more often, with the Logos incarnate after the „fullness of time” (Ephesians IV,4). We are therefore talking about a Christocentric character of deification, where prayer has its fundamental role.
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords
God, Christ, the prayer of Jesus, the glory of God, contemplation, seeing the Light, deification, soteriology, mind, heart
Despre Autor / About the Author
Gheorghe Istodor, PhD, Professor at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology, „Ovidius” University – Constanţa
Locație / Location
Constanța, Romania
Autor / Author
Titlu Articol / Article Title
The Christocentric scope of universe
Landmarks from the perspective of the current cosmological scientific paradigm
Rezumat / Abstract
Christocentrism is the theological doctrine that affirms the centrality of Christ in all aspects of creation and existence. In Orthodox Christian theology, Jesus Christ is the Logos of God through whom all things were created and thanks to whom everything retains its coherence and meaning. This article explores how current scientific landmarks reflect and align with this Christocentric theological view of creation.
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords
Logos, Christocentrism, Rationality, Creation, Universe, Anthropic Principle, Fine-Tuning, Time.
Despre Autor / About the Author
PhD candidate at the Doctoral School of the Faculty of Theology “St. Andrei Șaguna” in Sibiu, advisor: Fr. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nicolae Moșoiu
Locație / Location
Autor / Author
Massimiliano VIVIANI
Titlu Articol / Article Title
A Personal Point of View on the Problematic of Forced Emigration Brought Over Europe. The Case of Italy and of The Attitude of the Roman-Catholic Church.
Rezumat / Abstract
This study is dealing with the relationship between the Roman-Catholic Church and the modern phenomenon of migrations that concerns Europe in this historical period. The Roman-Catholic Church presents contemporaneous migrations as a phenomenon towards which every Christian has the duty to give a positive response, that means, accepting all the migrants in their own countries according to The Holy Scriptures. But some elements as Tradition, Holy Fathers and the spiritual life of the Church, tell us that this is problematic perspective. The reality is different: The Scripture doesn’t speak about accepting this fact positively, nor about migrants. His Law isn’t a politic law, but a moral law based on the love for our neighbour. And also, this lay approach to the Scripture, brings us to forget God in this question, and that’s because a relationship between God and a collective (the migrants) is impossible. The study also deals with many words used today by the Catholic Church instead of the evangelic “neighbour”, that doesn’t belong to the evangelic spirit, like “the other one”. All these arguments want to demonstrate that the theme of the migrants isn’t an evangelic theme, and therefore, it is not in the jurisdiction of the Church.
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords
migration, foreigner, neighbour, Roman-Catholic Church, racism, globalism
Despre Autor / About the Author
Massimiliano Viviani, Independent orthodox researcher
Locație / Location
Bucuresti, Romania
Autor / Author
Andrei JILCU
Titlu Articol / Article Title
Autochthonism as a Form of Acculturation in Father Arsenie Boca’s Icon of the Mother of God with the Child in Prison Clothes Housed in the Church of “The Hieromartyr Saint Eleutherius – New” in Bucharest
Rezumat / Abstract
This work was originally composed as a brief seminar paper in the discipline „Interculturality and ethnicity in the visual arts – icon and architecture in the Carpathian space” of the Czech professor Petre Balcárek, within the „Comparative Theology” courses that are part of the Master Degree study at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology from Alba-Iulia. Now expanded, the present study deals with the phenomenon of acculturation in the iconography present in the Romanian space exemplified in a fascinating and unique fresco painting unfortunately, hidden for a long time and belonging to the great Romanian spiritual father Arsenie Boca, highlighting especially the aspects related to the theme, style and message of this painting. Known as the “Mother of God with the Child Jesus in prison clothes (romanian = zeghe)” from the vault of the altar of the „The Hieromartyr Saint Eleutherius – New” Church in Bucharest, this fresco reveals a remarkable example of the concept of autochthonism, as a synthesis of the Byzantine tradition embedded with Western elements.
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords
acculturation, autochthonism, Mother of God, Jesus in prison clothes, „The Hieromartyr Saint Eleutherius – New” Church, Arsenie Boca, iconography, fresco painting
Despre Autor / About the Author
Protosyncellus Andrei Jilcu, Abbot of the “Dormition of Mother of God” Monastery in Aldeia de Santa Margarida (Portugal) and Vicar-Administrative for Portugal. Doctoral student of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology at the „December 1, 1918” University in Alba Iulia and PhD student in Sociology at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Craiova
Locație / Location
Aldeia de Santa Margarida, Portugal
Autor / Author
Asist. Dr. Dragoș BOICU
Titlu Articol / Article Title
Predicile Sfântului Petru Hrisologul la Epifanie (CLVI-CLX)
Rezumat / Abstract
Of the approximately 180 homilies of St. Peter Chrysologus, a group of 4 sermons [CLVI, CLVII, CLVIII, CLX] stands out, being dedicated to Epiphany feast. These texts prove that in the first half of the fifth century we are faced with an evolution of the meaning of the Epiphany, which up to a certain point has as its object the worship of the Magi, so that later, after a number of years or decades, it also includes the theme of Baptism, respectively the wedding in Cana.
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords
Peter Chrysologus, Ravenna, Epiphany, homiletics, Patristic exegesis
Despre Autor / About the Author
Dragoș BOICU, Lector la Facultatea de Teologie „Andrei Șaguna” din cadrul Universității „Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu
Locație / Location
Sibiu, Romania
Autor / Author
Titlu Articol / Article Title
Patriarhul isihast Calist I — scurt profil biografic, inventar scrieri și recuperarea Omiliei la Adormirea Preasfintei Stăpânei noastre Născătoare de Dumnezeu
Rezumat / Abstract
The rich homiletic corpus of the Byzantine Mariology of the 14th century, written by the wonderful authors and Hesychast saints Gregory Palamas, Theophanes III of Nicaea, Nicholas Chamaëtos Kabasilas and Philotheus II Kokkinos, and recently retrieved and translated into Romanian through the efforts of professor and archdeacon Ioan Ică jr, is now complemented by a new homily attributed to the hesychast patriarch Kallistos I (1350–1353, 1355–1363), about the Dormition of our Blessed Mother of God. After a brief biographical depiction of the patriarch and a complete inventory of the insufficiently explored and translated Kallistian writings, the present study provides details of the homily’s locus and time, of the manuscript tradition, and of the only existing edited text (1911), along with a brief presentation of its content. Translated for the first time into a modern language, the brief and unique Kallistian Mariological homily focuses on the mystery surrounding the dormition and the departure of the Mother of God as an icon of the universal resurrection and as an anthropological paradigm of man’s journey to God’s heaven. It is also a reflection about Her care and intercession, of the Mother of God who thus becomes the universal Mother of all.
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords
Byzantine Mariology, Dormition, Departure, Homily, Kallistos I, Patriarch of Constantinople, Koimesis, Metastasis, Hesychasm, Theotokos
Despre Autor / About the Author
Protosinghel Daniil (Daniel-Cosmin) Pinciuc, preot misionar și viețuitor la Mănăstirea Ortodoxă Română „Adormirea Maicii Domnului”, Aldeia de Santa Margarida (Portugalia) și doctorand (Spiritualitate) la Facultatea de Teologie Andrei Șaguna din cadrul Universității Lucian Blaga din Sibiu sub coordonarea Arhid. Prof. univ. dr. Ioan Ică jr.
Locație / Location
Aldeia de Santa Margarida, Portugalia
Autor / Author
Ciprian-Iulian TOROCZKAI
Titlu Articol / Article Title
Gnomi și tropos în perspectiva Sfântului Maxim Mărturisitorul și a psihologiei cognitiv-comportamentale
Rezumat / Abstract
Prezenta carte reprezintă teza de doctorat elaborată de pr. Suciu Petru-Marcel sub îndrumarea Pr. Prof. Univ. Dr. Vasile Vlad și susținută în cadrul Școlii Doctorale Interdisciplinare de la Facultatea de Teologie „Ilarion V. Felea” din Arad în anul 2022.
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords
Despre Autor / About the Author
Dr. habil. Toroczkai Ciprian-Iulian, conferenţiar la Facultatea de Teologie „Andrei Şaguna” din cadrul Universităţii „Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu.
Locație / Location
Sibiu, Romania
Autor / Author
Lect. Dr. Dragoş BOICU
Titlu Articol / Article Title
Claudia Rapp, Episcopat şi sfinţenie în Antichitatea târzie. Fundamentele conducerii creştine într-o epocă de tranziţie, edit. Dragoş Mîrşanu, trad. de Adela Lungu, Doxologia, Iaşi, 2023, 446 pg.
Rezumat / Abstract
De timpuriu în istoria omenirii s-a ivit o tensiune între rolul reprezentantului sacrului şi autoritatea sa, care de cele mai multe ori se răsfrângea asupra tuturor domeniilor din societate. Această tensiune dintre rol şi autoritate a marcat şi Biserica după publicarea Edictului de la Milano din anul 313, îmbrăcând forme variate în funcţie de particularităţile politice, sociale şi religioase ale diferitelor provincii ale Imperiului Roman.
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords
Despre Autor / About the Author
Dragoș BOICU, Lector la Facultatea de Teologie „Andrei Șaguna” din cadrul Universității „Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu
Locație / Location
Sibiu, Romania
Autor / Author
Ciprian STREZA
Titlu Articol / Article Title
Daniel Benga, Die Orthodoxe Liturgie als Erfahrungsraum des Heiligen Geistes, des Erbarmens und des Friedens, Lehr- und Studienbücher Orthodoxe Theologie, edited by Prof. Dr. Konstantinos Nikolakopoulos (University of Munich), Volume 8, LIT Verlag, Münster, 2022 g.
Rezumat / Abstract
The expressive power of Orthodox worship is evident in all liturgical acts, in the architecture and decoration with icons of the place of worship, in the beauty of the singing, in the depth of the symbol and in the spiritual experience of the presence of Christ in the Liturgy of the Church. The center of Orthodox piety is the Divine Liturgy. For the Greek patristic teaching, the inner-trinitarian love of God is the eternal heavenly liturgy, in which creation can also participate through the visible rites of the Eucharistic celebration. The love of God inspires the love of creation, and thus the liturgy is in essence the dialog of love between God and man.
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords
Despre Autor / About the Author
Ciprian-Ioan STREZA, Professor at Orthodox Theological Faculty „Andrei Șaguna”, „Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Romania.
Locație / Location
Sibiu, Romania
Autor / Author
Conf Dr. Iulian Ciprian TOROCZKAI
Titlu Articol / Article Title
Harold O.J. Brown, Imaginea lui Isus Hristos în oglinda ereziilor și în cea a Ortodoxiei creștine, trad. Dan Siserman, Humanitas, București, 2023, 576 pg., ISBN: 978-973-50-7974-1
Rezumat / Abstract
Oricât ar părea de ciudat, o întrebare de genul: cum ar fi arătat lumea fără Iisus? nu este lipsită de sens, mai ales dacă ținem seama de modul în care creștinismul a schimbat lumea, și nu doar în plan religios, ci și în plan cultural, social, economic sau politic1. Și totuși, imaginea lui Iisus Hristos ca Mesia nu s-a configurat în mod simplu în istoria umanității, în general, și nici măcar în cea a creștinismului, în special. Este ceea ce ne arată în mod elocvent unul dintre specialiștii americani în istoria Bisericii, Harold O.J. Brown (1933-2007), care a fost profesor de teologie biblică, teologie sistematică și bioetică la Trinity Evangelical Divinity School din Deerfield (Illinois) și la Seminarul Teologic Reformat din Charlotte (Carolina de Nord).
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords
Despre Autor / About the Author
Dr. Ciprian-Ioan TOROCZKAI is Assistant Professor at the Andrei Şaguna Orthodox Faculty of Theology, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania.Adress: Andrei Şaguna Orthodox Faculty of Theology Sibiu, Str. Mitropoliei nr. 20, RO – 550179
Locație / Location
Sibiu, Romania
Autor / Author
Titlu Articol / Article Title
Annette Wilke, Robert Stephanus, Robert Stuckro (eds.), Constructions of Mysticism as a Universal. Roots and Interactions Across Borders, Seria Studies in Oriental Religions 71, Ed. Harrasowitz, Wiesbaden, 2021, 503 pg., ISBN: 978-3-447-10785-3 (print), 978-3-447-19629-1 (ePDF)
Rezumat / Abstract
Apărut în seria Studies in Oriental Religions a editurii Harrasowitz, volumul intitulat Constructions of Mysticism as a Universal. Roots and Interactions Across Borders este cu siguranță mai larg în aria sa de cuprindere și în implicațiile sale teoretice decât zona avută în vizor de această serie. Volumul, apărut în urma unui simpozion organizat în cadrul unui cluster de excelență la Universitatea din Münster, Germania, și îmbogățit cu contribuții suplimentare din același spectru tematic, reunește mai multe cercetări animate de mobilul de a urmări multiplele rute pe care s-a configurat conceptul modern de mistică, înțeles ca o categorie universală, transculturală.
Cuvinte cheie / Keywords
Despre Autor / About the Author
Dr. Alina PĂTRU is Lecturer in History and Philosophy of Religions at the Andrei Şaguna Orthodox Faculty of Theology, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania. Adress: Andrei Şaguna Orthodox Faculty of Theology Sibiu, Str. Mitropoliei nr. 20, RO – 550179 Sibiu.
Locație / Location
Sibiu, Romania