Series: Nouă
Year of publication: 2017
Publishing house: Andreiana, Sibiu
ISSN: 1222-9695
ISSN Online: 2069-8895
Important Hierarchs of the Romanian Orthodox Church Who Studied at the Spiritual Academy in Kiev - Revd. Prof. Nicolae Chifăr
The present study describes briefly the intellectual, ecclesiastical and scholarly evolution of some of the graduates of the kieviene Academy in the XIX-XX century, emphessising, especially, the major contribution of their intellectual and theological formation in kieviene Academy and, also, the ecclesiastical and cultural contacts they have cultivated with Russian Church and theology. Thus, are presented aspects form the life and work of great eclesiastical personalities as for exemple Scriban Filaret (1811-1873), Melchizedek Stefanescu (1822-1892), Sylvester Bălănescu (1838-1900), Nicodemus Munteanu (1864-1948), Visarion Puiu (1879-1964) in a painting that evokes the close cooperation between the Romanian and Russian Orthodox churches in past centuries.
Keywords: - Academy of Kiev, Romanian students, Filaret Scriban, Melchizedek Stefanescu, Sylvester Balanescu, Nicodemus Munteanu, Visarion Puiu.
Revd. Nicolae Chifăr, Professor of Church History at the “Andrei Şaguna” Orthodox Faculty of Theology, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Romania.
Address : - Sibiu, Romania.
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Venerable Paisius Velichkovsky at the Kiev Theological Academy. The meanings of a choice - Archim. PhD Student Damaschin Luchian
The article presents the reasons behind the establishment of the Kiev Theological Academy as well as the specificity of the educational model employed therein, insisting upon a nuanced understanding of the influences of western models regarded as sources of inspiration. The study goes on to examine aspects from the years spent by Venerable Paisius of Neamts as a student there and analyses the motivation he provided for leaving the Academy, as his own testimonies and subsequent activity showed him to be a true prophet of the need to resort to the patristic heritage as the basis for an authentic Orthodox theology. The last part looks into the way the academic theology has assessed the neopatristic renewal program, highlighting the degree of contemporary relevance for other inspirational sources available to the East, in an effort to develop a theology faithful to Tradition and responsive to modern challenges.
Keywords: - Saint Paisius Velicichovsky, Kiev Academy, Fr. Georges Florovsky, neopatristic theology, contemporary Orthodox theology
Archim. Damaschin Luchian, PhD Student at the “Andrei Şaguna” Orthodox Faculty of Theology, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Romania.
Address : - Sibiu, Romania
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The Kievian Theological Education – A Model for the Romanian Theological Education - Revd. Prof. Aurel Pavel
The present study evokes some of the personalities, moments and aspects of the strong cooperation and coexistence between Russian and Romanian people, among the Orthodox churches of the two countries along the Middle Ages and in the modern era, highlighting how the spiritual heritage of the great hierarch Peter Mogila was transmitted over generations and centuries in defining even the tradition of theological education in Transylvania and Sibiu. Historical times and places more or less famous, historical, political or cultural figures are evoked in a painting showing the close collaboration between the Romanian and Russian Orthodox Churches in past centuries.
Keywords: - Romanian-Ukrainian relations, Slavic influences, seminary and theological academy in Sibiu.
Pr. Dr. Aurel Pavel, Professor at the “Andrei Şaguna” Orthodox Faculty of Theology, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Romania.
Address : - Sibiu, Romania.
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The theological education in Kiev and Cluj-Napoca Between history and perspectives - Arhim. Assist. Prof. Benedict Valentin Vesa
There was a long history of collaboration between the Ukrainian and the Romanian theological institutions, in particular during the time of Peter Mogila, Metropolitan of Kiev, born in Moldavia. Since then the theological methodology was developed using the common theological tradition of Kiev, Iași or Bucharest. This paper is dedicated, in the first section, to this mutual organisational influence, then, the second chapter if focused on the theological education of Cluj-Napoca in the frame of the heritage of the aforementioned theological academies. Finally, the third section puts in discussion some general principles regarding the theological methodology around the binome orthodoxy and orthopraxy in the contemporary times.
Keywords: - Theological Academy of Kiev, Peter Moghila, Theological education in Cluj-Napoca, theology and experience, ascetic theology.
Arhim. Dr. Benedict Valentin Vesa, Assistent Professor at the Orthodox Faculty of Theology, “Babeș-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Address : - Cluj-Napoca, Romania
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Knowing the Mystery of God’s Son Incarnation in the Spiritual Experience within the Writings of Saint Maximus the Confessor (II) - H.E. Prof. Irineu Popa
The study deepens detailed analysis of the conditions and relations of divine and human natures’ union in sole Hypostasis of Savior Christ, emphasizing, against representatives of the old heretical thought – Severus of Antioch and Nestorius and also against Monothelitism, that the two natures, divine and human have two proper works and wills harmonized in the unity of the unique hypostasis of the incarnate Logos through the power of Holy Spirit. St. Cyril of Alexandria’s expression – one nature of God the Word incarnate, is explained in context of its historical and doctrinal subtleties and depths, meaning to confirm dyophysite and diotelite theology of St. Maximus the Confessor, thus making argument – against “formal union” or “simple formal distinction” of the natures under these heresiarchs –“union and real distinction” of the natures united in the hypostasis of the Logos as the basis of man’s salvation in Christ. Subtle logical argument of this ineffable union of natures in Christ, may be a possible anthropological and soteriological actual speech in the more astounding condition of postmodernity that imagine new horizons and future living conditions of man.
Keywords: - Christology, hypostatic union, communion of natures, communication of traits, affects, Maximus the Confessor, Cyril of Alexandria, Dyophysitism, diotelism, salvation.
His Holiness Dr. Irineu Popa, Archbhisop of Craiova and Metropolitan of Oltenia and onorific member of the Romanian Academy.
Address : - Craiova, Romania
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Reconciliation through Remembering An Overview about the Methodology of Healing of Memories (HoM) - Revd. PhD Student Dieter Brandes
Healing of Memories (HoM) is a methodology which has been firstly developed in South Africa in order to help overcoming frozen history and “hi-stories” (story telling), putting emphasis on voices that were not listen, ignored and not acknowledged so far. HoM as a post-conflict multi-phase process joined the ranks of sustainable peace and reconciliation processes in the following order: Conflict Transformation, Transitional Justice, Healing of Memories and Culture of Remembrance. Ordinarily HoM is subordinated to the processes of Conflict Transformation and Transitional Justice and superordinate to the development of Culture of Remembrance. But depending on different contexts, the processes could overlap each other.
Originally Healing of Memories has been developed as a counselling process in pastoral care and in community reconciliation development. However, during the course of the HoM process in South-East Europe, it was quite soon clear that in dealing with tensions and painful experiences between religions and cultures it is very important to „deep historical streams” and to shape the identity of individuals as well as religions and cultures over a long time and to provide – mostly unconsciously- “in accumulated memories and attitudes also the paradigms and pictures for the interpretation and classification of present experiences”. Based on this perception, it was developed, within the scope of the ecumenical foundation “Reconciliation in South East Europe” in Sibiu, a new methodology of Healing of Memories as a “society-oriented reconciliation process between Religions, Cultures, Nations and within communities”.
Originally Healing of Memories has been developed as a counselling process in pastoral care and in community reconciliation development. However, during the course of the HoM process in South-East Europe, it was quite soon clear that in dealing with tensions and painful experiences between religions and cultures it is very important to „deep historical streams” and to shape the identity of individuals as well as religions and cultures over a long time and to provide – mostly unconsciously- “in accumulated memories and attitudes also the paradigms and pictures for the interpretation and classification of present experiences”. Based on this perception, it was developed, within the scope of the ecumenical foundation “Reconciliation in South East Europe” in Sibiu, a new methodology of Healing of Memories as a “society-oriented reconciliation process between Religions, Cultures, Nations and within communities”.
Keywords: - Healing of Memories (H of M); theological bases of H of M; conflicts transformation; macro and micro levels of H of M
Rev. Dieter Brandes Scientific Consultant of the United Evangelical Mission, Germany.
Address : - Germany
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