
Series: Nouă
Year of publication: 2019
Publishing house: Andreiana, Sibiu
ISSN: 1222-9695
ISSN Online: 2069-8895
Cuvânt pastoral la Sărbătoarea Învierii Domnului - † LAURENŢIU
This text is the Pastoral letter from Easter 2019 issued by H.E. Laurentiu, Archbishop of Sibiu and Metropolitan of Transylvania. It focuses firstly on Christ's Resurrection as a fundamental belief of Christianity and explains afterwards the iconomy (oikonomia) of salvation through our Saviour`s death and Resurrection. Resurrection also presents a good opportunity to mobilize ourselves towards practicing virtues. The last part speaks about the resultant peace of Resurrection and the spiritual joy we experience in the night of the Easter Feast.
Keywords: - Easter; Christ` Resurrection as fundamental basis for our believe; Resurrection and salvation; Resurrection and virtues; Peace as a result of Resurrection
Location : - Sibiu, România
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Cuvânt pastoral la Sărbătoarea Învierii Domnului
This text is the Pastoral letter for Easter 2019 issued by H.E. Irineu, Archbishop of Alba Iulia. Resurrection is the supreme confirmation of Jesus Christ` divinity. The power of death was abolished. Human nature was restored so that those living in Christ may live in harmony with each other and with nature. In the last part, rural life and its challenges is mentioned, as the year of 2019 is dedicated by the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church to this issue.
Keywords: - Easter; Resurrection as supreme confirmation of Christ's divinity; Resurrection and Abolition of death`s power; Resurrection and Restoration of human nature; rural life
Location : - Alba-Iulia, România
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This text is the Pastoral letter for Easter 2019 issued by H.G. Sofronie, Bishop of Oradea. Resurrection is the ultimate stage of the iconomy (oikonomia) of salvation which is the supreme expression of God`s love for human kind. Resurrection shares a message of love for the entirety of human kind throughout history and makes possible the overcoming of sin, evil, war and all sorts of challenges and threats of ideologies. We received the sacraments as medication for our souls. It ends with a message about the duty of every Christian to spread the message of Resurrection, especially among those who are alone and forgotten.
Keywords: - Easter; Resurrection as supreme expression of God`s love; Resurrection and Hope; Sacraments as medication for human nature; the duty for every Christian to spread the message of Resurrection.
Location : - Oradea, România
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Cuvânt pastoral la Sărbătoarea Învierii Domnului - † Andrei
This text is the Pastoral letter for Easter 2019 issued by H.G. Andrei, bishop of Covasna and Harghita. Christ`s Resurrection is the greatest event in human history. It links history with eternity. Resurrection is a feast of victory over sin and death, as it is represented in Orthodox iconography. In the final parts of the text the motives behind the Orthodox icon of Christ descending to hell is explained.
Keywords: - Easter; Resurrection and human history; Resurrection in Orthodox iconography; Descent of Christ to hell;
Episcopul Covasnei si Harghitei
Location : - Miercurea-Ciuc, România
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Cuvânt pastoral la Sărbătoarea Învierii Domnului - † GURIE
This text is the Pastoral letter for Easter 2019 issued by H.G. Gurie, Bishop of Deva and Hunedoara. It has as a central theme of the “Resurrected Christ – the divine bread of life.” The traditional rural life of Romanians were built up around the feast of the Resurrection. Their entire life was centered around the liturgical life of the Church. This tradition is about to be lost and traditional values are no longer core principles of life. Therefore, Christians are called to educate their children in the spirit of authentic Christian values within family in which each parent plays a distinctive role.
Keywords: - Easter; Resurrected Christ as divine bread of life; core Traditional Romanian values; Christian Education;
Episcop al Devei şi al Hunedoarei
Location : - Deva, România
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Female diaconal service in the Coptic Orthodox Church today - Christine Chaillot
The article addresses the issue of the ministry of deaconesses in the Coptic Orthodox Church from the beginnings of its reorganization in the 1950s to the present day. It includes the history and organization of this new institution or secular order dedicated, not to chanting in liturgical services, but for charitable activities, for taking care of people, for visiting needy families, catechetic activities, education and prayer together with children and for serving those in suffering and living in ignorance. This organizing process was regulated in 1988 by Pope Shenouda and by Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church, deciding that the so-called "consecrated women" should advance through several steps: "consecrated women" (mukarrasa), sub-deaconeses and deaconeses, based on a millennial tradition of the Church reactivated in modernity due to pressing needs. The article documents how to cultivate and organize the ethos of the Christian ministry of the world, describing the experience gained in the Coptic Church in this regard.
Keywords: - Deaconese, consecrated women, lay order, Coptic Church
Christine Chaillot (Ecumenical Patriarchate) is a Swiss Orthodox theologian belonging to the Ecumenical Patriarchate. She is specialised in the actual situation of Orthodox Churches (both Eastern and Oriental).
Location : - Ecumenical Patriarchate
E-mail : - acchailot@hotmail.com
E-mail : - acchailot@hotmail.com
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Orthodoxy and Non-Orthodox Faith: A Pass to Unity - Sergey Trostyanskiy
This article aims to investigate the conceptual underpinnings and contents of the Christian legal tradition. It also intends to provide a brief review of how Orthodox nomic thought functions in the age of fragmentation (i.e. denominationalism). How should an Orthodox Christian react to heterodox faith? How should s/he receive a non-Orthodox preaching and teaching? These questions have become focal in the context of the fractured Christendom. This is a key issue that by and large determines the future of the ecumenical movement. This article aims to shed light on the issue at hand and intends to offer a possible solution to it.
Keywords: - Orthodox Church today; orthodox perception of ecumenism; unity; nomic thought; oracles.
Fr. Ph.D.. Sergey TROSTYANSKIY, professor at Union Theological Seminary, Columbia University, New York, USA
Location : - New York, USA
E-mail : - st2399@utsnyc.edu
E-mail : - st2399@utsnyc.edu
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Modern means of children catechism in the Romanian Church and School. - Rev. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Miron Erdei
The young people today have the chance to be familiarized with the reality they live in and not with the illusory world the TV and the computer offer them. The project „Christ shared to the children” helps them better see these things. They have the chance to know themselves, with their skills and deficiencies and it will help them transform their inner and spiritual life and form their personality. Through this catechetic project, the Church tries to offer answers to the questions the children have with regards to eternal life and also aims at helping them make a career in this material life.
The executive director Cătălin Andrew Popa of World Vision Romania mentioned during the closing festivity of the project in 2013 that „Choose School! is a very good example that shows us what it can be done when the Church, the society and the State work together for the well fare of the child” and the Minister of Education, Remus Pricopie, underlined that ”this project is super strategic.” In the same context, the managing director of POSDRU, Mrs. Ella Ștefan pointed out that ”you have managed to touch more than half of the targets Romania assumed for this period”; this means that out of the 54000 pupils and 6000 adults, which have been part of the 80 projects that aimed to reduce early school drop-out, 35000 pupils and 3206 priests and teachers have been part of the project ”Choose School!”.
The executive director Cătălin Andrew Popa of World Vision Romania mentioned during the closing festivity of the project in 2013 that „Choose School! is a very good example that shows us what it can be done when the Church, the society and the State work together for the well fare of the child” and the Minister of Education, Remus Pricopie, underlined that ”this project is super strategic.” In the same context, the managing director of POSDRU, Mrs. Ella Ștefan pointed out that ”you have managed to touch more than half of the targets Romania assumed for this period”; this means that out of the 54000 pupils and 6000 adults, which have been part of the 80 projects that aimed to reduce early school drop-out, 35000 pupils and 3206 priests and teachers have been part of the project ”Choose School!”.
Keywords: - curricular area, catechism methods, religious education, educational projects, school dropout.
Rev. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Miron Erdei, professor at Faculty of Orthodox Theology „Ep. Dr. Vasile Coman” in University from Oradea
Location : - Oradea, Romania
E-mail : - prmironerdei@hotmail.com
E-mail : - prmironerdei@hotmail.com
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The metaphysics of the iconic phenomenon - Vasile Chira
This study aims to show the metaphysical foundations of the iconic phenomenon, referring both to Christian religious metaphysics and to the classical philosophical sense of this field. After a brief introduction into iconic phenomenon and iconic species, a historical excursion follows in the disputes related to the theology of the icon: iconophilia and iconoclasm. After operating the distinctions between the notions of idol, symbol, myth, prototype and likeness, we go straight to the issue of iconicity, analysing one by one the iconic image, the iconic logic, the occultation of iconicity in postmodernity, the profane occidental iconoclasm, metaphysics of the iconic phenomenon, the icon as a form of transperceptive iconicity and the iconic horizon of the human being.
Keywords: - metaphysics, iconic sign, symbol, iconophilia, iconoclasm, iconicity, prototype, likeness, icon, logos.
Vasile Chira, Ph. D. in Philosophy, Lecturer at the “Andrei Şaguna” Faculty of Theology, University “Lucian Blaga” of Sibiu, Romania.
Location : - Sibiu, Romania
E-mail : - vasilechira@gmail.com
E-mail : - vasilechira@gmail.com
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Leontius of Byzantium – Interpreter of Chalcedon - Emanuel Gafiţa, Fr. PhD stud
Leontius of Byzantium, whose identity remains a subject of debate, is the central theological figure of the sixth century. He introduces the concept of enhypostasis, thereby giving a deeper understanding to the Christological doctrine and clarifying the question of the two natures or physis in the person of the Savior Jesus Christ. Leontius points out as no one else, the act of assuming, taking over, of the human nature in the hypostasis of the divine Logos..
Keywords: - Leontius, Chalcedon, enhypostasis, nature, person
Fr. Emanuel Gafiţa, PhD student at Ortodox Teological Faculty St. „Andrei Şaguna”, University „Lucian Blaga” Sibiu
Location : - Sibiu, Romania
E-mail : - gafitemanuel90@yahoo.com
E-mail : - gafitemanuel90@yahoo.com
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The Consolidation of Donatism in the First Half of the Fourth Century - Dragoş Boicu
The Donatist Movement represents a phenomenon that can be studied as a paradigm for the emergence of schisms and their evolution from a canonical-disciplinary deviation to a dogmatic-moral one, transforming the dissident group into a heretical one. This study aims to deepen the way in which the resistance of the Numidian clergy was consolidated during the Constantinian dynasty despite the concessions and pressures exerted on it.
Keywords: - Constantine the Great, North Africa, Donatism, Donatus Magnus, circumcelliones
Dragoș Boicu, PhD Lecturer. at Orthodox Faculty of Theology St. „Andrei Şaguna” from the University „Lucian Blaga” in Sibiu
Location : - Sibiu, Romania
E-mail : - dragosbcu@yahoo.com
E-mail : - dragosbcu@yahoo.com
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St Paul the Apostle in the religious context of the 2nd and 3rd centuries - landmarks - Marius Ioan Sabou
The study of St. Paul's work and theology has been viewed over time in the most diverse and surprising ways, depending on the approach of those who have made the appreciation, ways that oscillated between an anti-Semite Paul and a Christian who had abandoned any Jewish heritage, between an antifeminist and a liberator of women under a patriarchal authority, or between others alike, depending on those who appreciated Pauline's work. These confused perspectives can be noticed from the early Christian centuries. In this study I would like to point out the perspective according to which Paul can not and should not be considered a theologian in the actual meaning of the word, distinguishing himself from other theologians of his time precisely because he does not have his own theological system , his Gospel being mainly inspired and less systematized.
Keywords: - Paul, Irineu, Policarp, Marcion, Tertullian, Origen, apostle, theology, doctrine, Church, New Testament
Marius Ioan Sabou, PhD Associate Professor, Faculty of Orthodox Theology at Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, CUNord, Baia Mare, România
Location : - Baia Mare, Romania
E-mail : - mariussioan@yahoo.com
E-mail : - mariussioan@yahoo.com
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Personal Impressions on a Recent Visit to Korea - Pr. Conf. Dr. Habil Daniel BUDA
This article contains a few commentaries on the speech given by Pope Francis in front of the Central Committee of the World Council of Churches (WCC) at the occasion of his visit to the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva at June 21st 2018. The authors highlight especially the critics and observations the Pope made on the missionary activities of WCC and other aspects which might be of particular importance for the Orthodoxy.
Keywords: - World Council of Churches; Pope Francis, seventhy in biblical perspective; mission of the World Council of Churches.
Pr. Dr. Daniel BUDA, Jun. Prof. at Orthodox Theological Faculty „Andrei Şaguna,” „Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu, Romania and research fellow at the Faculty of Theology and Religion, Pretoria University, South Africa;
Location : - Sibiu, Romania
E-mail : - daniel.buda@ulbsibiu.ro
E-mail : - daniel.buda@ulbsibiu.ro
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Omilia Sfântului Ioan Gură de Aur Despre reprimirea lui Severian (De recipiendo Severiano – CPG 4395) - - Asist. Dr. Dragoș Boicu
The homily De recipiendo Severiano (CPG 4395) is one of the chrysostomic sermons with an undeniable authenticity that gives us an insight of his conflict with Severian, bishop of Gabala. Under the pretext of proclaiming the peace John Chrysostom actually warns his community about the schemes of Severian and buils a new demonstration of strenght in order to prevent further attacks from Severian’s sustainers.
Keywords: - St. John Chrysostom, Severian of Gabala, De recipiendo Severiano, Constantinople, homiletics
Dragoș Boicu, PhD Lecturer. at Orthodox Faculty of Theology St. „Andrei Şaguna” from the University „Lucian Blaga” in Sibiu
Location : - Sibiu, Romania
E-mail : - dragosbcu@yahoo.com
E-mail : - dragosbcu@yahoo.com
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Omilia In Ascensionem (CPG 4532): Introducere și traducere - Nathalie Rambault și Radu Gârbacea
This article provides the first Romanian translation of In Ascensionem (CPG 4532). We first discuss the structure of the homily, in the introductory part, then we propose an analysis of the Christological aspects present in the homily, and, finally, we address the issues pertaining to dating the homily and the place where it was compiled.
Keywords: - Pseudo-Chrysostom, Ascension, CPG 4532, patristic homilies, Romanian translation
Dr. Nathalie Rambault, Institut des Sources Chrétiennes, Lyon; Pr. Dr. Radu Gârbacea, PhD Lecturer. at Orthodox Faculty of Theology St. „Andrei Şaguna” from the University „Lucian Blaga” in Sibiu
Location : - Lyon, Franța // Sibiu, România
E-mail : - radu_garbacea@yahoo.com
E-mail : - radu_garbacea@yahoo.com
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