
Series: Nouă
Year of publication: 2020
Publishing house: Andreiana, Sibiu
ISSN: 1222-9695
ISSN Online: 2069-8895
Eine Legende zur Charakterisierung ökumenischer Begegnungen aus dem ostsyrischen Kulturkreis - Martin Tamcke
Encounters are an integral part of ecumenism. The dynamics of such interdenominational exchange can be observed in a text form the Early Middle Ages in the tradition of the Apostolic Church of the East about the meeting between an Eastern Roman Bishop and the Catholicos of the Church of the East. Notions of superiority had to be dismantled, assessments revised, stereotypes discarded. The text offers a stylised form of a meeting between rich and poor, the East (Apostolic Church of the East) and the West (Byzantium). A crucial criterion for the question of truth is the way of life in accordance with the Bible. The texts states that the meeting took place in the late 6th century, the text itself was likely written in the Early Islamic Period. In this case, the text also demonstrates how the Church of the East dissociates itself from the Byzantines in order to create its own room for manoeuvre in the Islamic world.
Keywords: - Interdenominational encounters, interdenominational understanding, Byzantines and Assyrians, life according to the bible, Islamic context.
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Martin Tamcke: University of Göttingen, Faculty of Theology Platz der Göttinger Sieben 2 D-37073 Göttingen, Germany
Location : - Göttingen, Germany
E-mail : - martin.tamcke@theologie.uni-goettingen.de
E-mail : - martin.tamcke@theologie.uni-goettingen.de
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Dietrich Bonhoeffer und die Ökumene - Michael Plathow
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Christ, Theologe, Zeitgenosse, wurde am 9. 4. 1945 im KZ-Flossenbürg von den Nazis ermordet. Mit der ökumenischen Bewegung, besonders dem „Weltbund für Freundschaftsarbeit” wie auch mit der Arbeit von „Life and work”, war er eng verbunden. Vf. zeichnet einzelne Stationen nach: Tagung in Cernohorske Kupele 1932; Vortrag „Kirche vor der Judenfrage” 1934; Friedensandachtin Fanö 1934; London 1935: Begleitung deutscher Flüchtlinge und Emiganten; Begegnung in Sigtuna mit Bischof Bell von Chichester 1942. Des Ökumenikers und Märtyrers Denken und Leben ist nur zu verstehen im Zusammenhang von „Beten, Tun des Gerechten und Warten auf die Zeit Gottes” und der „stellvertretenden Schuldübernahme” als Buße.
Keywords: - Dietrich Bonhoeffer; Weltbund für Freundschaftsarbeit; Life and work; Martyrium;
Prof. Dr. Michael Plathow, Wiss.-Theol. Seminar der Theol. Fakultät, Kisselgasse 1, 69117 Heidelberg, Germania
Location : - Heidelberg, Germania
E-mail : - michael@plathow.de
E-mail : - michael@plathow.de
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Terrorismus in Namen des Islam? Zum Verhältnis zwischen Radikalisierung und religiösem Fundamentalismus im sozialwissenschaftlichen Diskurs - Lekt. Dr. habil. Alina Pătru
This study addresses the thorny issue of the role of religion in the development of radicalism in today’s world. The recent proliferation of terrorist acts has given rise to questions such as: is religion the source of violence? Can the rise of religious fundamentalisms be correlated with an increase in radicalization? Does terrorism have a religious substratum, or should its primary causes be looked for elsewhere? What are the most effective deradicalization strategies? This material will follow some influential voices in the field of social sciences, especially Gilles Kepel and Olivier Roy and will highlight the direction in which the research in the field of social sciences develops with regard to the analysis and interpretation of the phenomenon.
Keywords: - Islam, terrorism, radicalism, radicalization, fundamentalism, salafism, Olivier Roy, Gilles Kepel
Alina Pătru, Lecturer for history and philosophy of religions at Faculty of Orthodox Theology „Andrei Şaguna” in University „Lucian Blaga” from Sibiu
Location : - Sibiu, Romania
E-mail : - alina.patru@ulbsibiu.ro.
E-mail : - alina.patru@ulbsibiu.ro.
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Orthodox Monasticism and Online Preaching - Lect. Liviu Vidican-Manci, Eng. Ph.D. Emil M. Mărginean
The research in the field of online ministry and evangelization is still in its very incipient stage of development. In recent years, we are witnessing an increasing use of the Internet, but also the growing efforts of the Church to secure its online presence. The websites of the Church institutions are well known, as well as the individual activities of some parish priests. However, when it comes to monks and nuns, their mission in the Orthodox virtual space is not analysed as much in the specialized literature. How does this catechetical-missionary activity reconcile with the monastic discretion in the Orthodox world? How compatible is the virtual profile of a monk or nun with that of a person entering a monastic community in a need of isolation from the world? What impact can the online ministry of the monks or nuns have, if presented in a professional manner? In the present study, the authors try to highlight the way in which two personalities of the monastic world in the West perform their online mission and indirectly promote a new type of monasticism, insufficiently known in the Orthodox Church, a missionary monasticism on the ‘digital continent’.
Keywords: - Orthodox Monasticism, Digital Ministry, Abbot Tryphon, Coffee with Sister Vassa, Facebook
Liviu L. VIDICAN-MANCI (b.1981). He is a lecturer at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology in Cluj-Napoca in the Catechesis-Homiletics department; || Emil M. MĂRGINEAN
Location : - Cluj-Napoca, Cluj
E-mail : - liviuvidican@gmail.com || emil.m.marginean@gmail.com
E-mail : - liviuvidican@gmail.com || emil.m.marginean@gmail.com
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The Law on the Secularisation of monastic estates and the consequences of the application thereof - Adrian Ignat
The total wealth granted The Holy Places sum up a quarter of the national territory. Secularization of the monasteries was the stage leading up to the agrarian reform. Through this arable land fund, the state was able to help most of the faithful who were in a pitiful situation. On the other hand, through this law Romanian state secularized the all monastic estates, not only the monastic estates dedicated to the Holy Land.
This paper tries to present the law of secularization and its importance for Romanian Orthodox Church and for Romanian people.
This paper tries to present the law of secularization and its importance for Romanian Orthodox Church and for Romanian people.
Keywords: - secularization, monastic estates, Orthodox Church, properties, Holy Land.
Rev. Adrian Ignat is Associate Professor at Orthodox Theological Faculty from Valahia University of Târgovişte (Romania)
Location : - Târgovişte, Romania
E-mail : - adrianignat1974@yahoo.com
E-mail : - adrianignat1974@yahoo.com
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Simeon, mitropolitul Evhaitei — un uitat autor duhovnicesc din Filocalii - Ioan I. Ică jr
The study surveys the history of rediscovery of the forgotten Byzantine spiritual writer Metropolitan Symeon of Euchaita, mentioned by Peter Damascene in the Philokalia and author of an widely read "Epistle to John the Monk". Copied in thirty Byzantine manuscripts, many of them containing works of spiritual authors later collected in the famous Philokalia (Venice, 1782), the letter of Metropolitan Symeon was not included in huge volume. The absence is easely explained by its content, the letter being a highly interesting criticism of the excesses of the Byzantine monasticism and a plea for a moderate ascetism. The Greek text was published by K. Mitsakis only in 1970. The editor, as other famous Byzantinists, considered it and its author as belonging to the era of Comneni, before or after 1100 AD. Ignored evidence available published in 1960 proves that Metropolitan Symeon lived a century ago, around 1000 AD, under Basil II the Macedonian, his letter displaying tendencies typical for the spiritual attitude of Byzantine bishops of this age towards the aspects of monastic life of those days.
Keywords: - Metropolitan Symeon of Euchaita, Epistle to John the Monk, monastic ascetic life, Byzantine monasticism.
Arhid. Dr. Ioan I. Ică jr este profesor la Facultatea de Teologie „Andrei Şaguna” din cadrul Universităţii „Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu
Location : - Sibiu, Romania
E-mail : - ioan.ica@ulbsibiu.ro
E-mail : - ioan.ica@ulbsibiu.ro
Romanian Language
Omiliile pascale LXXIII, LXXIV, LXXV, LXXVI, LXXVII, LXXX ale Sfântului Petru Chrysologul - Dragoș Boicu
Among the approximately 190 homilies of St. Peter Chrysologus, a group of 12 sermons [LXXIII-LXXXIV] is dedicated to the feast of the Resurrection, representing one of the most important collections on this subject of a Christian author of the „golden age” of patristic literature. From these 12 Pascal homilies we render in Romanian translation the anniversary Easter discourse (LXXIII) and the sermons based on Matthew's Gospel, chapter 28 (LXXIV, LXXV, LXXVI, LXXVII, LXXX).
Keywords: - Pascal homily, Peter Chrysologus, Ravenna, Latin liturgical tradition
Dragoș Boicu, Asistent la Facultatea de Teologie „Andrei Șaguna” din cadrul Universității „Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu
Location : - Sibiu, Romania
E-mail : - dragosbcu@yahoo.com
E-mail : - dragosbcu@yahoo.com
Romanian Language