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Series: Nouă
Year of publication: 2015
Publishing house: Andreiana, Sibiu
ISSN: 1222-9695
ISSN Online: 2069-8895

Être et Substance, Hypostase et Personne: considérations sur l’élaboration et la cristallisation de la terminologie trinitaire aux IIe - IVe siècles - Maître-assistant Dr. Remus Mihai FERARU

Our study aims at evoking the contribution of Apostolic Fathers and writers - Easter and Western alike - to the development of the Trinitarian concepts and formula. The terms used in order to designate the essence or common being of divinity, namely the Persons or Expressions of the Trinity, were borrowed from the Greek philosophy lingo; οὐσία (essence, substance, being), ὑπόστασις (foundation, basis, sediment, substance) and πρόσωπον (face, countenance, actor mask). Christian writers from the 2nd-3rd centuries (Theophilus of Antioch, Origen Adamantius) set out the bases of the Trinitarian terminology. In the West, it was Tertullian who defined and anchored trinity lingo. He was the first to use the terms substantia and persona in a Trinitarian sense. In the East, the Cappadocian Fathers - especially Basil the Great - had a decisive contribution to the crystallization of the Trinitarian formula. The Second Ecumenical Council of Constantinople (381) and the Synod of Antioch (382) established the classic definition of the Holy Trinity: μία οὐσία καὶ τρεῖς ὑποστάσεις.
Keywords: - being, substance, hypostasis, person, Holy Trinity, Trinitarian concept, Trinitarian formula
Dr. Remus Mihai Feraru, maître-assistant (chargé d’enseigner le cours Istoria creştinismului [Histoire du christianisme]) à la Faculté des Lettres, Histoire et Théologie de l᾽Université de l’Ouest, Timisoara ;
Je remercie vivement Madame Eugenia Arjoca-Ieremia pour avoir bien voulu relire, corriger et améliorer le texte de cet article.
Address : - Timisoara, Romania
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“Sarx zoopoios” – Incarnation and Eucharist in the teachings of Saint Cyril of Alexandria - Revd. Assoc. Prof. Nicolae Moşoiu

In this article the author is dealing with the close link between the Incarnation and Eucharist in the teaching of the Saint considered to be the Father of Orthodox Christology par excellence. Although the Eucharistic doctrine was not the object of direct disputes, some debates over the Eucharist occurred indirectly and temporarily during the Christological disputes. In the article are highlighted some important aspects like: the value of the human body which clearly results from the Incarnation, the reality of the presence of Jesus Christ in the consecrated Gifts, a short exegesis on 2Pt1:4 - one of the main biblical text on theosis, the Eucharist as the union of the faithful to the life of the incarnated Logos and with the Holy Trinity and finally the Eucharist as seed of immortality and the gift of eternal life.
Keywords: - human body, Incarnation, changing of the Gifts, „Sharers of the divine nature” (theias koinonoi physeos, divinae naturae consortes) (2 Pt1:4), Eucharist, theosis, incarnated Logos, Holy Trinity, seed of immortality, gift of eternal life
Revd. PhD Nicolae Moşoiu, Associated Professor at the Andrei Şaguna Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania.
Address : - Sibiu, Romania
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Témoignages patristiques sur la vie et l’oeuvre de Saint Diadoque de Photice - Protos. Dr. Vasile Bîrzu*

This study is presenting in a short overview the principal mentions about the life and work of the spiritual and philocalic father of Church, Saint Diadochus of Photice, evaluating their perception, by some scholars, as influenced by messalianism. Thus, it is emphasized the kinship and the close link between the work of Saint Diadochus and its spiritual thematic, and various other works and spiritual disputes from his epoch, few biographical and historical data on the life of St. Diadochus allowing optimally, to place him as the successor of synthesis of Christian spiritual tradition which took place in his time.
Keywords: - Diadochus of Photice, messalianism, spiritual tradition of Church.
Protos. Dr. Vasile Bîrzu, maître-assistant à la Faculté de Théologie Andrei Şaguna de l᾽Université Lucian Blaga de Sibiu, Roumanie, Timisoar.
Address : - Sibiu, Romania
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A Mid-Eighteenth Century Vestige of Church Art: Fragments from the Mural Decor of the Lost Former Wooden Church of Poiana, Sibiu County - Assist. Prof. Ioan Ovidiu ABRUDAN*

This study has been occasioned by the discovery, during restoration works done in the wooden church of Poiana, Sibiu County, of several components from an iconographic complex belonging to a religious edifice that preceded the existing one which dates from 1766.
The identification of these fragments (28 pieces) unravels the mystery of the presence, for many years, in the narthex of the church in Poiana, of a piece, disunited from that old iconographic decor, representing the “Great Deisis” scene, signed by its author, Dumitru the painter, next to the name of the one who had donated the painting, in 1743. To attribute the entire group of found images to the above-mentioned artist, of whom little is known, merely that he had been an apprentice of Stefan from Ocnele Mari, as well as to date them to the middle of the eighteenth century, would make from this group of images one of the oldest ensemble of Romanian church art preserved in Sibiu county up to the present.
Keywords: - Dumitru the painter, Poiana, Sibiu County, wooden churches from Sibiu County, one of the oldest ensemble of Romanian church art from Sibiu
PhD Ioan Ovidiu Abrudan, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania.
Address : - Mitropoliei 20, 550179, Sibiu.
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Archbishop Innocent Burghele – Abbot of the Monastery St. Nicholas Popăuţi (I) - Gheorghe DIACONU*

This study presents, based on original historical resources or underused, the personality of Archbishop Inochentie Burghele Iliupoleos, which has emerged, first, as a typographer, spiritual father and Metropolitan ecclesiarch, and then, thanks to Metropolitan Veniamin Costachi, as abbot of the Monastery Popăuţi, Botoșani, in obedience to the Patriarchate of Antioch, being also the only Romanian abbot of this monastery and the first Romanian who received the high priesthood in the nominal title of bishop of the diocese of Iliupoleos under the jurisdiction of this patriarchate. Having the Episcopal seat at the Princely Church from Popăuţi, Inochentie has shaped his personality as bishop, both in the sacramental life of the Church, officiating all the services specific for a bishop, including ordinations and consecrations of churches, as well as in the social life of the country, as member of Moldavia Public Assembly and as ecclesiastical court authority for church and civil cases. Of all the abbots, only from him was inherited an important heritage of objects of ecclesiastical art and an interesting antique book collection.
Keywords: - Popăuți-Botoșani, Patriarchate of Antioch, Veniamin Costachi, Inochentie Burghele Iliupoleos: life, activity, art patrimony inherited.
Gheorghe Diaconu, PhD Student of the Andrei Şaguna Orthodox Faculty of Theology, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania.
Address : - Sibiu, Romania
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