
Series: Nouă
Year of publication: 2017
Publishing house: Andreiana, Sibiu
ISSN: 1222-9695
ISSN Online: 2069-8895
Iconography and Memory Images of priests in the Romanian painting of Sibiu area, in the eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries - Assist. Prof. Ioan Abrudan*
Beyond the primary function it fulfills, that of artistically expressing religious concepts and being a concrete manifestation of the faithful’s piety, Christian iconography has acquired, over a long historical development, a new dimension: that of being evocative of the past. Most churches and icons that decorate their interior are in fact proofs of gestures of penance and acts of devotion from those who, making them possible, have hoped that, in this way, they will not be forgotten and that their prayers will rekindle, again and again, in the prayers worshipers coming after them, just as icon lamps are relighted and candles are renewed in the candlesticks of altars.
Often, names found in votive inscriptions have been associated with faces of founders, reproduced by painters after real models, not shaped by their „imagination”. Those having survived the passage of time contribute to the great work of reconstruction that historical science aims to achieve, working primarily with written documents, where they exist, but also with, “everything that the ingenuity of the historian allows him to use in order to produce honey, in the absence of ordinary flowers”, as pointed out by Lucien Febvre.
Our aim is to reclaim some such iconographic documents which may serve, in combination with other sources, to a richer and more expressive reconstruction of Transylvanian clergy’s condition in the eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries.
Often, names found in votive inscriptions have been associated with faces of founders, reproduced by painters after real models, not shaped by their „imagination”. Those having survived the passage of time contribute to the great work of reconstruction that historical science aims to achieve, working primarily with written documents, where they exist, but also with, “everything that the ingenuity of the historian allows him to use in order to produce honey, in the absence of ordinary flowers”, as pointed out by Lucien Febvre.
Our aim is to reclaim some such iconographic documents which may serve, in combination with other sources, to a richer and more expressive reconstruction of Transylvanian clergy’s condition in the eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries.
Keywords: - Transylvanian priests; Popa Ivan the Painter; Nistor Dascalul the painter; Peter the Painter from Topârcea; Dimitrie Dunitriu the painter; Ioan of Boiţa the painter; painter John Costande
PhD Ioan Ovidiu Abrudan, Assistant Professor at the “Andrei Şaguna” Orthodox Faculty of Theology, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Romania.
Address : - Sibiu, Romania
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The Image of Saint Paisius Velichkovsky and the Exhumation of His Relics (I) - Gheorghe DIACONU*
This paper presents in the first part, after a brief context of the personal life of Saint Paisius Velichkovsky from Neamţ, his face transposed by posterity in engravings, portraits and icons, drawing attention on the perpetuation of an image different from his original appearance, while proposing, a new transposing of it into a special icon painted on the basis of this approach, and in the second part, the exhumation of the precious relics of the saint, the causes of depreciation of his bones, traditions from Neamţ related to the grave and the exhumation in light of the historical reality, the restoration of the tomb, as well as putting the relics in a reliquary for veneration.
Keywords: - Saint Paisius Velichkovsky, Monastery Neamț, engravings, portraits, icons, grave exhumation, holy relics, traditions, historical reality, worship.
Gheorghe Diaconu, PhD Student of the “Andrei Şaguna” Orthodox Faculty of Theology, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Romania.
Address : - Sibiu, Romania
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The Authorship of the Byzantine Anaphora of Saint Basil under Investigation with the TLG Database: The Post Sanctus Section of the Anaphora and Saint Basil’s Writings – a Comparative Study - Prof. Ciprian Streza*
St. Basil the Great’s Anaphor is one of the most important and widespread eucharistic texts of the Eastern Orthodoxy. The eucharistic text attributed to St. Basil the Great is one of the most beautiful eucharistic formulations of the Eastern Orthodoxy in which the great mystery of divine love revealed through the sacrifice of the redemption of the incarnated Son of God appears described in a liturgical poetry of some beauty. Tthe history of this Eucharistic form contains information on how the Eucharistic canon has been crystallized and evolved over time, and on the other hand, the association of this Eucharist form in all four versions of it with Saint Basil the Great called the possibility of questioning the paternity of this Eucharistic text.
Keywords: - Liturgy, St. Basil the Great, Anaphora, Prayer, Comparative Liturgy
PhD. Ciprian Streza, Professor at the “Andrei Şaguna” Orthodox Faculty of Theology, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Romania.
Address : - Sibiu, Romania
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The supervision of the clergy after the release from detention. The case of father Nicolae Grebenea - Revd. Ionuţ Manu*
In this material I tried to expose weights, harassing and perpetual surveillance the Orthodox clergy had to undergo, like the former political prisoners of the Romanian communist regime, starting with Priest Nicolae Grebenea. I wanted to capture – looking in N.C.S.S.A. (National Council for the Study of Securitate Archives) archives information from those offered by the papers written by Father Grebenea − how the Romanian security service, through repressive measures of criminal conduct taken by it throughout the entire surveillance process, through notes provided by informants under coverage, the Securitate’s interference in public and private life of Father Nicolae; its interests and attempts to discredit the company and the practical methods used for the physical elimination of his person.
Keywords: - life after detention of priest Nicolae Grebenea, informative surveillance, Securitate, repressive measures, moral compromise, eliminating with poisoning and / irradiance
Ionuţ Manu, PhD Student of the “Andrei Şaguna” Orthodox Faculty of Theology, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Romania.
Address : - Sibiu, Romania
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Education for values The Human Beauty - an outcome of integrated school learning - Carmen Maria CHIŞIU*
Considering the value as a property of which is good, desirable and important, we find that we live in a world where non-value is found too often in the relationships between humans. The school has the task to find ways to intervene in the education of children, in order to give birth to the human beauty, meaning the beauty in our attitudes; towards others, towards himself and towards Providence.
If the whole school community manifests an attitude emotional intelligent, whether adults are themselves living models for their students, the hidden curriculum will influence the formation and moral and esthetical formation and development of children.
If the whole school community manifests an attitude emotional intelligent, whether adults are themselves living models for their students, the hidden curriculum will influence the formation and moral and esthetical formation and development of children.
Keywords: - human beauty; value; integrated approach; hidden curriculum; education for values; emotional intelligence;
PhD. Carmen Maria Chişiu, Associated Professor at the Departament of Teaching Staff Training, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Romania.
Address : - Sibiu, Romania
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Stephen of Nicomedia and his Catechism for lay people in Byzantium, 1000 A.D - Ioan I. Ică jr
This study is resuming the scholarly debates concerning the identification of the historical context in which a forgotten author, Synkellos and Metropolitan Stephen of Nicomedia, has written at around the year 1000 a sort of cathechism for the Byzantine laymen elite ascribed in manuscripts mostly to St. Athanasius the Great: Ad quaedam politicum syntagma (CPG 2286). Parts of the text were included also in two very popular ascetic compilations De virtutibus et vitiis ascribed to St Ephrem (CPG 4055) and to St. John Damascene (CPG 4055), the latter published in the famous Philokalia, 1782. The study analyses the complex relationships of the author with St. Symeon New Theologian and with his spiritual theology, with the Byzantine general Nicephorus Ouranos identified recently by Dirk Krausmuller as the addressee of this cathechism, resuming its the spiritual and dogmatic teaching. The author presents also the Romanian translation of this forgotten byzantine spiritual and dogmatic treatise.
Keywords: - Stephen of Nicomedia, cathechism, virtues, capital sins, passions, tripartite structure of soul.
Archdeac. Ioan I. Ică jr, Professor at the “Andrei Şaguna” Orthodox Faculty of Theology, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Romania.
Address : - Sibiu, Romania
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Romanian Language
Omiliile la Schimbarea la Faţă atribuite lui Proclu al Constantinopolului. O nouă traducere a Homiliae VIII. In transfigurationem domini (BHG 1980, CPG 5807) - Pr. Dr. Radu Gârbacea
In this paper I present the homilies attributed to Proclus of Constantinople by the manuscript tradition and by modern scholars, and I try to answer a simple question: how many homilies on Transfiguration do we actually have from Proclus. Even though the manuscript tradition assigns several homilies to Proclus, in fact the authorship of only one of these homilies has not been contested so far. I thereafter present this particular homily and propose a new Romanian translation for it.
Keywords: - Proclus of Constantinople, Transfiguration of Christ, homolies, patristic exegesis, BHG 1980, CPG 5807.
Revd. Radu Gârbacea, Associated member of the Research Center for Theology, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Romania.
Address : - Sibiu, Romania
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Romanian Language