
Series: Nouă
Year of publication: 2016
Publishing house: Andreiana, Sibiu
ISSN: 1222-9695
ISSN Online: 2069-8895
Comparative view between the Christology of Saint Cyril of Alexandria and of Pope Leo- Alin BOBOC*
Leo’s Christological teaching was articulated as a reponse to various Christological heresies that he wished to fight. By closely examining the Latin formulas of Pope Leo, it is clear that the theology expressed through them is not the same as that of Saint Cyril of Alexandria. While the teaching of Saint Cyril of Alexandria laid emphasis on the unique Person of Christ, the Christology of Pope Leo and the Latin theology, in general, stressed more the two natures of the Saviour. Nevertheless, we notice that the insistence of Leo on the personal unity of Christ does not essentially contradict the thought of Saint Cyril.
Keywords: - Pope Leo I, Christology, consubstantiality, substantiae, unity of the person
PhD. Alin Boboc, associated member of the Research Center for Theology, Lucian Blaga
University of Sibiu, Romania.
University of Sibiu, Romania.
Address : - Sibiu, Romania
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The Apologetic Specific of Jacob’s of Serugh Theology in the Context of the Syriac Tradition - Archdeac. Assist. Prof. Ioniţă APOSTOLACHE*
The Syriac theology was affirmed in the first Christian centuries especially throughout a symbolic and mystic specificity. Starting with Saint Ephrem, the thinking of the Syriac Fathers followed the biblical dimension of the Church’s tradition that had become a real “vehicle for theology”. In this context, Jacob of Serugh is one of the most prolifically Syriac hymnologists. He carries on Saint Ephrem’s stile, expressing much moderated in the problem of monophysitism. Although he learned at the same school as Philoxene of Maboug, Jacob didn’t have any polemical approach in his writings on dogmatic issues or more. He was maintained on the tradition of the Syriac Fathers. In our study we had tried to underline the personality of the grate Syriac hymnologist and to put into light the apologetic specific of his work. Moreover, the teaching about our Savior Jesus Christ was also accentuated by quotes from Jacob’s writings.
Keywords: - Syriac theology, Jacob of Sarugh, hymnogrtaphy, christology, apologetic approach
Archdeac. Ioniţă Apostolache, Assistant Professor at the Orthodox Faculty of Theology, University of Craiova, Romania.
Address : - Craiova, Romania
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Constantin Brâncoveanu’s Relations with the Transylvanian Territories - Revd. Ciprian CATANĂ*
Even if divided by external reasons, the three Romanian provinces were always connected to each other by politics, military, religion, economy and culture. Those connections between Wallachia and Transylvania were particularly preserved during Constantin Brâncoveanu’s reign. The economical relations bewtween the two countries were facilitated by the properties the prince owned in Brașov or in Făgăraș region and by the connections Brâncoveanu established with the Transylvanian merchants who traded commodities between the two countries. Since over that period, at the beginning of the XVIIth century, the process of converting Romanian people from Transylvania to catholicism, the Wallachian prince considered to be his duty to support his hard-pressed Transylvanian brothers. After the union in 1698 and after the Orthodox Metropolitan Church in Alba-Iulia was disbanded in 1701, Brâncoveanu did not give up, but he kept trying to restore the religious unity between the separated Romanians by building worship places (Făgăraș), by reconstructing others (Poiana Mărului or Ocna Sibiului), by ordaining metropolitan priests, donations or printing religious books (Bucoavna and Teaching of Scriptures). The donations, the foundations, the printed books donated to the churches in Transylvania, were manifestations of the permanent concern of Constantin Brâncoveanu for supporting the Orthodox faith between the Carpathian Mountains, which was in a difficult period, oppressed by the Habsburg Empire on one hand and on the other by the assault from Calvins and Catholics. The intricate connections with the Romanians from Transylvania, on territorial, demographic, economic, cultural and confessional issues, brought the Wallachian prince a definite place in the Romanian people memory all over Romanian territories.
Keywords: - relations, Brâncoveanu, Făgăraș, foundings, donations, Transylvania
Revd. PhD Ciprian Catană, associated member of the Research Center for Theology, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania.
Address : - Sibiu, Romania
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Archbishop Innocent Burghele – Abbot of the Monastery St. Nicholas Popăuţi (II)* - Gheorghe DIACONU**
Part two of the study presents the ecclesiastical objects and the old books fund entered into the patrimony of St. Nicholas Monastery of Popăuţi during the abbotship of Archpriest Inochentie Iliupoleos (1815-1840), most of them preserved and restored recently.
Keywords: - Popăuţi-Botosani, Inochentie Iliupoleos: religious objects, inherited old books
PhD Candidate at “Andrei Șaguna” Faculty of Theology, Sibiu, the discipline Church History, having fr. Prof. PhD. Nicolae Chifăr as Scientific coordinator
Address : - Sibiu, Romania
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The Absurd and the Accedia as a major existentials in Cioran’s Udemiologic Analytics - Assist. Prof. Vasile Chira
The Cioran’s existentials are derivable and intelligible from nothingness with which the Roman philosopher substitute the transcendence. Nonsense of life not purely abstract notion, but a sensitive transcription of absurdity, translates to experience vertigo. This is the refutation par excellence of vertical position of the man, the specific difference to animality. Through the experience vertigo, Cioran links essence absurd lack of end which implied analytically the definition of abyss. Source ontological absurdity is located in corrosive activity of temporality. Cioran makes a difference in degree of boredom banal psychological and metaphysical boredom. The essence of boredom is the void that erases differences and content of things, becoming a foreshadowing of chaos. The most acute boredom remains ascetic boredom, acedia.Boredom monastic is a sterile stagnation of being a eleatics reversed.
Keywords: - Existential, absurd, access, nihilism, nothingness, phenomenology, holiness, boredom, ontology, Dasein, ecstasy, absolute, metaphysical, divine, mystical
PhD Vasile Chira, Assistant Professor at the Andrei Şaguna Orthodox Faculty of Theology, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania.
Address : - Sibiu, Romania
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