Series: Nouă
Year of publication: 2018
Publishing house: Andreiana, Sibiu
ISSN: 1222-9695
ISSN Online: 2069-8895
Cuvânt pastoral la Sărbătoarea Naşterii Domnului - † LAURENŢIU
This text is the pastoral letter of H.E. Laurențiu, Archbishop of Sibiu and Metropolitan of Transylvania for Christmas 2018. It focuses upon the following aspects of the Feast of the Nativity: the joy of the mystery of reconciliation between God and human beings; the birth of Christ as the start of all other Christian feasts; the role of the Church in sharing the fruits of salvation among all members; Along with numerous biblical quotations, this pastoral letter contains several patristic quotations, from St. John Chrysostom, St. Basil the Great, as well as from the modern Romanian theologian Dumitru Stăniloae.
Keywords: - Christmas; Nativity as joy of the mystery of reconciliation; Christmas as the start of all Christian feasts; Church as medium of salvation; Holy Liturgy; Sacraments;
His Holiness Dr. LAURENŢIU STREZA, Archbhisop of Sibiu and Metropolitan of Transylvania and onorific member of the Romanian Academy. Professor the “Andrei Şaguna” Orthodox Faculty of Theology, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Romania.
Location : - Sibiu, Romania
E-mail : - secretariatma@yahoo.com
Romanian Language
Cuvânt pastoral la Sărbătoarea Naşterii Domnului - † IRINEU
This text is the pastoral letter of H.E. Irineu, Archbishop of Alba Iulia from Christmas 2018. The focus of this text are the following aspects of the Feast of the Nativity: the joy brought by Incarnation to the world, the light of Christ shining to all humanity in opposition to the darkness of sin. The Centenary of Romania, (which was celebrated on December 1st ) is also mentioned, as Alba Iulia is where the National Assembly of the Transylvanian population took place one hundred years ago.
Keywords: - Christmas; Christ, the Light of the world; the joy of Nativity; Romanian Centenary;
His Eminence IRINEU, Archbishop of Alba Iulia
Location : - Alba Iulia, Romania
E-mail : - arhiepiscopia.albaiulia@gmail.com
E-mail : - arhiepiscopia.albaiulia@gmail.com
Romanian Language
Scrisoare Pastorală la Naşterea Domnului nostru Iisus Hristos, anul mântuirii 2018 - † SOFRONIE
This text is the pastoral letter of H.G. Sofronie, Bishop of Oradea from Christmas 2018. It focuses on the following aspects of the Feast of Nativity: the meaning of Incarnation; Christmas as a feast of the family; the communitarian sense of the feast of the Nativity; the birth of Christ as a child who suffered from the lack of hospitality exhibited by some of his contemporaries. The author mentions the large diversity of the community he grew up in and the way in which Christmas joy was shared beyond confessional differences.
Keywords: - Christmas; Christ, the Light of the world; the joy of Nativity; the region of Banat and its confessional diversity;
His Grace SOFRONIE, Bishop of Oradea
Location : - Oradea, Romania
E-mail : - episcopiaoradiei@yahoo.com
E-mail : - episcopiaoradiei@yahoo.com
Romanian Language
Cuvânt pastoral la Naşterea Domnului Iisus Hristos - † ANDREI
This text is the pastoral letter of H.G. Andrei, Bishop of Covasna and Harghita from Christmas 2018. It quotes from the text of the Kontakion of the Nativity: ”Today the Virgin gives birth…” which is explained in details. Likewise some carol texts are quoted.
Keywords: - Christmas; Kondakion of Nativity: ”Today the Virgin gives birth…”; preparation of the world for Jesus` coming.
His Grace ANDREI, Bishop of Covasna and Harghita
Location : - Miercurea-Ciuc, Romania
E-mail : - episcopia_cvhr@yahoo.com
E-mail : - episcopia_cvhr@yahoo.com
Romanian Language
Cuvânt pastoral la Naşterea Domnului Iisus Hristos - † GURIE
This text is the pastoral letter of H.G. Gurie, Bishop of Deva and Hunedoara from Christmas 2018. The focus of which is on the following aspects of the Feast of Nativity: love which emerges from the feast of Nativity; the way this love should be spread in families, communities and in all of society. Romanian Carols are often quoted with the purpose of proving that the main ideas of the pastoral letter are witnessed in the Romanian tradition. The Centenary of Romania is also mentioned.
Keywords: - Christmas; love and Nativity; profound Romania; Romanian carols; love of Nativity in families, communities and in society; Romanian Centenary;
His Grace GURIE, Bishop of Deva and Hunedoara
Location : - Deva, Romania
E-mail : - secretariat@episcopiadevei.ro
E-mail : - secretariat@episcopiadevei.ro
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The hesychastic inward unification as expression of the relationship between the Father and the Son from the Gospel of John, described in the Neptic Literature - Fr. PhD John Lincoln Downie
An investigation of the Relationship between the Father and Son in the Gospel of John through the vision of the Neptic Fathers of the Orthodox Church. The circular motion of neptic prayer is symmetrical to the Son’s motion from and to the Father in the Gospel. Saints Dionysius and Maximus treat the subject most fully. The Relationship between the Son and Father is the foundation and model for Orthodox obedience.
Keywords: - Gospel, John, Neptic, Relationship, Father, Son, Philokalia, St Dionysius, St Maximus, exegesis
Father John Lincoln Downie, is a parish priest in the parish of Saint Michael Romanian Church, Southbridge, MA (www.stmichaelorthodox.com), and PhD. Student at Faculty of Orthodox Theology Patriarch Iustinian, Buckarest, Orthodox Theology/Biblical Studies, under the guidance of Pr. Prof. Dr. Constantin Coman, sustaining his PhD disertation in Sep 13, 2018.
Location : - Southbridge, MA
E-mail : - fr.john_downie71@yahoo.com
E-mail : - fr.john_downie71@yahoo.com
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Église et État dans l᾿Illyrie protobyzantine à la lumière des sources épigraphiques et littéraires (VIe-VIIe siècles) - Maître de conférences Remus Mihai Feraru
The present study examines the relationship between the Church and the state in the prefecture of Illyricum, in the VI-VII centuries. It aims to discuss the bishops’ roles and attributes in the cities of proto-Byzantine Illyricum, as well as their relationship with the municipal and provincial authorities. The research is based on the analysis of literary (Miracula Sancti Demetrii) and epigraphic sources. The Code of Justinian (527-565) highlights the important place of the bishop in the city. In the Byzantine cities of Illyricum, the bishop heads the council of municipal notables and is considered their natural representative. He intermediates between the seat of central power and the municipal administration. A series of inscriptions discovered at Izbičanj (in Serbia), Serdica (Sofia), Tesalonic, Gortyna (Creta) and on the island of Skiathos provide us with information on the bishops’ participation in the execution of urban public works. In the context of the invasion of the Balkan Peninsula by Avars and Slavs, the bishops of Thessaloniki take upon themselves the roles usually played by the municipal and imperial authorities, in that they assure the protection of the population and organize resistance against the invaders. In 535, Emperor Justinian creates the autocephalous archbishopric Justiniana Prima.
Keywords: - church, state, Illyricum prefecture, bishop, Emperor Justinian, John of Thessaloniki, Saint Demetrius
Dr. Remus Mihai Feraru, Maître de conférences (titulaire du cours d’Histoire du christianisme) à la Faculté des Lettres, Histoire et Théologie de l᾽Université de l’Ouest, Timisoara;
Location : - Timisoara, Romania
E-mail : - remusferaru@yahoo.fr.
E-mail : - remusferaru@yahoo.fr.
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Nationalbewusstsein, Emanzipation und Einheit durch Kultur und Erziehung im Siebenbürgen des 19. Jh. - Prof. PhD. Ciprian Streza
Die Geschichte der Rumänen in Transsilvanien sieht in der pastoral missionarischen Aktivität des Erzbischofs Andrei Şaguna ein Bezugspunkt der entscheidend zur Schaffung der Einheit des rumänischen Volkes beigetragen hat. Der große Bischof wusste dass ein aufgeklärtes Volk durch Kultur und Bildung in der Lage ist alle Schwierigkeiten und Herausforderungen der Geschichte zu überwinden. Wie ein wahrer Apostel der Rumänen aus Siebenbürgen hat Metropolit Andrei Şaguna seine Charismen, seine ganze Energie und sein unermüdlichen Eifer und die Weisheit seiner bemerkenswerten Diplomatie ganz für die Kirche eingesetzt und so konnte er unter extrem harten politischen Bedingungen nicht nur hunderte von Schulen zu stiften, sondern auch Schulhandbücher, Lehrpläne zu drucken und die Ausbildung von Lehrern zu beaufsichtigen.
Keywords: - Geschichte Siebenbürgens, Geschichte der Kirche, Lehrpläne, siebenbürgische Kunst und Kultur
Prof. Dr. Ciprian STREZA, Professor at the “Andrei Şaguna” Orthodox Faculty of Theology, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Romania.
Location : - Sibiu, Romania
E-mail : - ciprian.streza@ulbsibiu.ro
E-mail : - ciprian.streza@ulbsibiu.ro
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Unification with God as a mystical state accomplished by the intertwining of virtues - Fr. Lect. PhD. Vasile Bîrzu
The study explores and explains how to unite the soul with God, embodying, through the intertwining of the mystical teaching found in Mystagogy of Maximus the Confessor on the union of virtues in the soul of the ascetic, with the mode the neural centers are co-working on the different neuro-physiological functions described by the new discoveries of the neuroscience, the relevance, the similarity and the mutual confirmation of the old patristic mystagogic teachings with the new neurophysiological sciences that reveals more and more of the mysteries of the human brain and the psyche. The study is a demonstration of the validity of neurotheology as a science, demonstrating the confirmation of functional models described by the mystagogical teaching of the Church by the discoveries of neurophysiological sciences.
Keywords: - Maximus the Confessor, Mystagogy, Neurotheology, Virtues, Brain, Unity with God.
Protos. Vasile BÎRZU, Assistant Professor at the “Andrei Şaguna” Orthodox Faculty of Theology, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Romania
Location : - Sibiu, Romania
E-mail : - perebasile@yahoo.fr
E-mail : - perebasile@yahoo.fr
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The Concept of Primacy in the East and West - Fr. PhD. Cosmin Drugan
One of the many factors that contributed to the schism produced very early in the Church is the struggle for power or, theologically said, the struggle to have "primacy". The controversial and extensive analysis of the first "Florentine issue", analyzed in various forms: as primate, honour primate or jurisdictional, is the subject of present study. This custom, which began in the fifth century and consumed along with the others in 1054, under the fateful effigy of the "Great Schism", made relations between the Eastern and Western Church be even more cumbersome as before. Further discussion of attempt to restore dialogue between the two have resulted in meetings and councils that were not successful. Although this topic is of ecclesiastical origin, during disputes, it turned into one of political origin that led to the aggravation and dogmatizing of "Pope primacy". The Church tried over time to establish a bridge of communication between the two ecclesial worlds, but this issue will not be completed because the matter must be treated in the light of the Gospel saying: "But among ye shall not be so, but he who wants to become great among you must be your servant. And he who wants to be first among you must be the slave of all."
Keywords: - Primacy, East, West, Schism, Power, Ecclesiastical, Politics, 1054
Rev PhD Std Cosmin Drugan at St. „Andrei Şaguna” Orthodox Faculty of Teology from the University „Lucian Blaga” from Sibiu
Location : - Sibiu, Romania
E-mail : -
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Tratatul presbiterului Timotei din Constantinopol despre modurile primirii heterodocșilor în Biserica Ortodoxă - Arhid. Prof. Dr. Ioan I. ICĂ jr.
The first part of this article starts with an assessment of the brilliant, but tragically ended in martyrdom, scientific career of Vladimir N. Beneševich (1874-1938) devoted to the investigation of the vast manuscript tradition of the still much needed Corpus Scriptorum iuris graeco-romani tam canonici quam civilis. In 1906 Beneševich published in St. Peterburg a critical edition of the important canonical collection of the Eastern Orthodox Church Syntagma XIV titulorum. Some Byzantine manuscripts of the Syntagma include also a double heresiological appendix: the famous treaty on 101 heresies of St. Epiphany / John Damascene, and the forgotten treaty of the Constantinopolitan presbyter Timothy concerning the three modes of reception of heretics in the Orthodox Church known as De iis qui ad ecclesiam accedunt (CPG 7016). The problems raised by the context and the content of this middle Byzantine canonical and heresiological opusculum are then critically analyzed. The second part of the article presents a richly annotated modern Romanian translation of the treaty of Timothy. Appended to a rather rapid and conventional collection of various Christian heresies from the first five centuries, the treaty offers precious sources allowing a better aquaintance of the various theological factions of the vast anti-Chalcedonian movement in the Byzantine Near East in the sixths century CE and also of the otherwise unknown Marcianist enthousiastic sect, part of the Messalian movement, radical charismatic version of Christian spirituality, active in Constantinople around 550.
Keywords: - acts and canons of the ecumenical and local synods, Timothy of Constantinople, heresies, messalian dispute, byzantine theological and heretical thinking, confession of faith, theological culture
Arhid. Dr. Ioan I. Ică jr, profesor la Facultatea de Teologie „Andrei Şaguna” din cadrul Universităţii „Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu
Location : - Sibiu, Romania
E-mail : - ioan.ica@ulbsibiu.ro
E-mail : - ioan.ica@ulbsibiu.ro
Romanian Language
Omilia la Întâmpinarea Domnului a preotului Isihie din Ierusalim (CPG 6580) - Asist. Dr. Dragoş Boicu
Hesychius of Jerusalem represents alongside his contemporary Proclus, archbishop of Constantinople (436-446), a landmark by his contribution to the development of mariology, but also gives us insights into the local Palestinian aspects of the cult of the Holy Virgin. Also in this specter of local elements we can place his homilies at the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple or Hypapante, 40 days after His Birth in Bethlehem. This translation renders the homily delivered through four Georgian homilies, as the original Greek was lost.
Keywords: - Hesychius of Jerusalem, Hypapante, Palestinian cult, festal homily
Dr. Dragoş Boicu, Asistent la Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Andrei Şaguna” din cadrul Universităţii „Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu
Location : - Sibiu, Romania
E-mail : - dragos.boicu@ulbsibiu.ro
E-mail : - dragos.boicu@ulbsibiu.ro
Romanian Language
Sermo in transfigurationem Domini (CPG 3939) atribuită sfântului Efrem Sirul: introducere și o nouă traducere - Pr. asist. dr. Radu GÂRBACEA
According to François Halkin’s Appendix VII of Bibliotheca Hagiographica Graeca a sermon on Transfiguration was preserved under the name of Saint Ephrem the Syrian. This paper briefly presents the editions of the homily, discusses the question of the authorship and offers a list of the Romanian and other modern translations. As a concrete result of this new screening process of the literature, the author issues a new Romanian translation.
Cuvinte-cheie: - Ephrem the Syrian, Ephraem Graecus, Transfiguration, biblical homilies, Romanian translation
Fr. Dr. Radu GÂRBACEA is associate member of the Center for Theological Research of „Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu, Romania
Location : - Sibiu, Romania
E-mail : - radu_garbacea@yahoo.com
E-mail : - radu_garbacea@yahoo.com
Romanian Language
Rev. Prof. Dr. Jooseop KEUM – Doctor honoris causa of Lucian Blaga University, Sibiu, Romania
Rev. Dr. Jooseop Keum, Professor at the Presbyterian University and at the Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Seoul, South Korea, was awarded with an honorary doctorate (doctor honoris causa) by ”Lucian Blaga” University, at the proposal of the Orthodox Theological Faculty ”Andrei Saguna,” as the decision No 3473 from 26th July 2018 of the University Senate states it. The awarding ceremony took place at 7th November 2018 in Aula Magna of ”Lucian Blaga” University and it was followed by the works of the conference Making Mission after the Model of Christ VII. The Notion of Discipleship Today in Different Christian Traditions: a Historic-Missiological Approach to whom Dr. Keum and other theologians from several countries presented papers.
Revista Teologica publishes here, both in English and in Romanian to following documents related with this event:
- Laudatio, authored and presented in the ceremony by V. Rev. Prof. Dr. Aurel Pavel, Vice-Dean of the Orthodox Theological Faculty;
- The acceptance speech of Rev. Dr. Jooseop Keum;
Revista Teologica publishes here, both in English and in Romanian to following documents related with this event:
- Laudatio, authored and presented in the ceremony by V. Rev. Prof. Dr. Aurel Pavel, Vice-Dean of the Orthodox Theological Faculty;
- The acceptance speech of Rev. Dr. Jooseop Keum;
Rev. Dr. Jooseop Keum, Professor at the Presbyterian University and at the Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Seoul, South Korea
Location : - Seoul, South Korea
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LAUDATIO - Prof. Dr. Jooseop KEUM - Pr. Prof. Dr. Pavel Aurel
We are gathered today here to honour Jooseop Keum from South Korea, senior pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Korea, professor and leading figure of missional and ecumenical studies, prominent personality of the ecumenical movement and of global Christianity.
Revd. Aurel PAVEL, Professor at the “Andrei Şaguna” Orthodox Faculty of Theology, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Romania.
Location : - Sibiu, Romania
E-mail : - aurelpavel@yahoo.com
E-mail : - aurelpavel@yahoo.com
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I am truly honoured and humbled to accept this honorary doctoral degree from ”Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu, Romania, at the proposal of the FACULTY OF ORTHODOX THEOLOGY. Indeed, it is my privilege to be invited here, an historic center of Orthodox missiology to gratefully receive an honorary doctorate from this venerable institution of Orthodox theological education.
Rev. Dr. Jooseop Keum, Professor at the Presbyterian University and at the Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Seoul, South Korea
Location : -Sibiu, Romania
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Declarația de Crăciun cu privire la fenomenul migrației în Europa. Scurtă introducere și comentariu - Pr. Prof. Dr. Aurel PAVEL // Pr. Conf. Dr. Habil Daniel BUDA
This short article contents a brief presentation of the so-called ”Christmas Statement” initiated by Church Commission for Migrants in Europe and Conference of European Churches and a short commentary of some of its passages, followed by a Romanian translation of the text of the statement.
Keywords: - Christmas Statement; Europe; migration; Church Commission for Migrants in Europe; Conference of European Churches
Revd. Aurel PAVEL, Professor at the “Andrei Şaguna” Orthodox Faculty of Theology, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Romania // Revd. Daniel BUDA, Associated Professor at the “Andrei Şaguna” Orthodox Faculty of Theology, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Romania. He is also Program Executive for Church and Ecumenical Relations in the World Council of Churches
Location : - Sibiu, Romania // Geneva, Switzerland
E-mail : - aurelpavel@yahoo.com // daniel.buda@ulbsibiu.ro
E-mail : - aurelpavel@yahoo.com // daniel.buda@ulbsibiu.ro
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