ISSN: 1222-9695 || ISSN Online: 2069-8895
Dear Colleagues and collaborators of Revista Teologică
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The Theological Review was rated in category B in the recent evaluation by the National Council for Scientific Research
The Theological Journal, the official organ of the Archdiocese of Sibiu, which appears under the aegis of the Theological Research Centre of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology "Saint Andrew Saguna" of the University "Lucian Blaga" of Sibiu, was rated in category B in the recent national evaluation by the National Council for Scientific Research. The Theological Journal scored 87.4 points, very close to the A rating (90 points).
The Theological Magazine was founded in 1907 by Metropolitan Nicolae Bălan, who at that time was professor of theology in Sibiu, with the aim of being the theological magazine of the Romanian Orthodox in Transylvania and Hungary. The Theological Magazine was banned by the communist regime from 1947-1956, and from 1956-1991 it appeared under the name Mitropolia Ardealului. At present the Theological Magazine is an academic periodical in which studies, articles, ecumenical news and patristic translations and reviews of unpublished books are published in Romanian and international languages.
Revista Teologică is one of the oldest theological publications in our country and in the Orthodox world and is currently listed CNCS-B and in the process of being admitted to the ERIH Plus catalogue. The Theological Journal benefits from international visibility and the published studies are indexed in the Religious and theological Abstracts - RTA and EBSCO databases).
The scientific studies in the Theological Journal are published bilingually, in Romanian and in an international language.