In 2-2022, 2-2022, 2-2022, 2-2022 Christian apologists, on the mystery of resurrection Abstract: Man was concerned with the Mystery of death and resurrection way ahead of it, being unbound through the Death...Read More
Marriage among the ancient peoples of the East. Brief overview of wedding rituals in Mesopotamia, Egypt and Israel Abstract: Marriage is an important event for people. Throughout history, depending on the historical period and the geographical area where...Read More
In 2022, 2022, 2022 The Indian correspondence of Father Andre Scrima with Father Benedict Ghiuș reflected in the Securitate Archives Abstract: Important personality of the Romanian Theology of the 20th century, but also of the Universal Orthodox one, Fr. Andre...Read More
In 2022 Le temps et la Liturgie dans la théologie du Père Alexander Schmemann Résumé: La présente étude se concentre sur la question générale du temps liturgique dans la vision théologique du Père Schmemann....Read More