Instructions for Authors
Contributions submitted to be considered for publication in The Theological Review (in Romanian Revista Teologica) should not be previously published or simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere. Please note that by submitting a contribution for publication, the authors confirm that they agree to the requirements below.
Contributions which do not meet the editorial requirements of The Theological Review or do not cover its areas of interest, shall not be considered for publication.
Potential authors are kindly requested to carefully read the section on “Peer Review” guidelines (see )
Declined manuscripts will not be returned to the author.
RT operates a double-blind peer review process.
To facilitate this process, authors are requested to ensure that all references to their own previously published work are impersonal.
Reviewers are selected by the editor in chief, after consultations with the members of the editorial board.
Authors are invited to suggest two possible reviewers and include their contact information (affiliation, street address, and email).
The editors will send authors a delivery receipt when manuscripts are received.
Please note that the peer-review process might take, in some cases, 4 to 6 months.
Authors will be notified of acceptance for publication as soon as reviewers’ answers are received. Accepted articles are usually published in the forthcoming issue of the journal.
If the reviewers’ opinions are significantly divergent, a third reviewer will be asked to read the manuscript.
Authors might be required to revise the manuscript according to the recommendations of the reviewers. Revised manuscripts should be accompanied by a point-by-point reply to the recommendations of reviewers, specifying the changes made in the revised version or the reasons why authors decided to reject reviewers’ recommendation(s).
Formatting Guidelines
1. Authors must include their profession, scientific title, affiliation, postal address and email.
2. Manuscripts submitted to section “Studies and Articles” by Romanian authors must be bilingual (Romanian and English/French/German/Italian) and emailed as attachments to the following email address:
Manuscripts submitted by regular mail in hardcopy must be accompanied by a softcopy (on a CD/DVD).
Authors are advised to have their papers translated by professional translators.
3. Manuscripts submitted to section “Studies and Articles” must be accompanied by abstracts of maximum 150 words and a list of 4-6 keywords in Romanian and English (not in any other foreign language!).
4. Monolingual manuscripts must be edited in a Microsoft Word format or any other compatible format and must not exceed 20 pages, pictures and graphics included, page size A4, font: Times New Roman 12 pts, spacing: 1.5 lines.
5. Texts in Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, Slavonic or other languages with non-Latin characters must use original script, including all necessary graphical signs (stress, breathings, etc.). Authors must insert characters from the Insert/Symbol menu. Moreover, authors should specify which fonts/packages are used in the electronic copy submitted and make them available to the editors.
6. Quotations, notes and bibliography must be formatted in accordance with the formatting rules in par. 4, herein. Manuscripts must not include a bibliography in addition to the one indicated in notes.
7. Review essays must comply with the rules set for section “Studies and Articles”, but the foreign-language version is optional in this case.
8. Book reviews must not exceed 1,500 words, and short notes 500 words.
9. All manuscripts submitted for section “Book Reviews and Bibliographical Notes” must include full editorial data of books reviewed (author’s name, book title, publishing house, place, and year of publication, number of pages, ISBN and/or ISSN).
English manuscripts must comply with the Society of Biblical Literature style. See: The Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) Citation Style
Student Supplement for The SBL Handbook of Style
Citing electronic resources
Example: R. Timothy McLay, The Goal of Teaching Biblical and Religious Studies in the Context of an Undergraduate Education, SBL Forum, 6 October 2006, (2 February 2008).
Final remarks
2. Authors must observe copyright regulations for the visual material submitted for publication.
3. Authors shall assign copyright to The Theological Review for all published materials.
4. Authors retain a wide range of rights concerning future re-use of the material: they may use published materials for the preparation of other personal work, to include them in dissertations, theses, or books, acknowledging their original publication in the RT, including title, journal name, volume and year of publication.
5. Names and addresses published in this journal are exclusively used for the editorial purposes of The Theological Review and shall not be made available for other purposes or to any other third parties.