
Nicolae Bălan
1920 - 1955
In 1920, its former editor, reverend professor Nicolae Bălan was elected Metropolitan of Transylvania, and therefore the journal was published again, with his blessing, in January 1921, edited by revd. Pompei Morusca, the one who became later on bishop Policarp of America.

Iustin Moisescu
1956 - 1957

Nicolae Colan
1957 - 1967

Nicolae Mladin
a967 - 1981

Antonie Plămădeală
1982 - 2005
Nevertheless, as the chronicler said, "the times are not under the man, but the poor man under the times," since August 1944 the wrath of communism having spread all over the country, the Church had to face unthinkable hardships. Between 1947 and 1984, one by one, almost all publications of the church were suppressed, so that, "Revista Teologică" was discontinued at the end of 1947.
After nine years, in the autumn of 1956, it was printed again under a different title, "The Metropolitan See of Transylvania" under the new Metropolitan of Transylvania, Iustin Moisescu, soon to become Metropolitan of Moldavia, and then Patriarch. Its publication was entrusted to reverend professor Grigorie Marcu who guided it until the middle of 1976. Between 1976 and 1992, reverend professor Ioan Ică Sr. was the journal’s "responsible editor." The publication was patronized by the metropolitans of Transylvania:

ÎPS. Dr. Laurențiu Streza
According to the "traditions", the main contributors to "Revista Teologică" were the professors of the University Theological Institute in Sibiu: Nicolae Neaga, Grigorie Marcu, Milan Åžesan, Teodor Bodogae, Åžtefan LupaÅŸ, Sofron Vlad, Isidor Todoran, Nicolae Mladin, Dumitru Belu, Ioan Zăgrean, Alexandru Moisiu, Dumitru Călugar, in addition to the members of the "new generation" of theologians: Mircea Păcurariu (since 1957), Ioan Floca, Constantin Voicu, Dumitru Abrudan, Ioan Ica Sr., Ilie Moldovan, Liviu Streza, Vasile Mihoc, Sebastian Åžebu, Aurel Jivi, and others. Among these, we should also mention the external contributors, such as: Åžtefan MeteÅŸ, Eugenia Greceanu and Ioana Cristache-Panait (church art) and many others. Each of them wrote papers in their field of research, preserving the scientific diversity of "Revista Teologică". After 1961, numerous studies and "chronicles" on the ecumenical movement were published. Unfortunately, absolutely all materials published before 1989 needed "the endorsement" of the Department of Cults and of the "Direction of the Press", and therefore many were rejected or censored by incompetent servants of the communist regime.
The journal recovered its original name, "Revista Teologică" in 1992. It was edited by professor Ioan Ică until 1992, then by the Cultural Department of the Archbishopric (councilor Gheorghe Papuc), by professor Aurel Jivi (1995-2002), and since 2004 by professor Nicolae Chifăr. A “new generation†of contributors have emerged, i.e. professors of the "Andrei Åžaguna" Faculty of Theology: Ioan Ica Jr., Dorin Oancea, Nicolae Chifăr, Ioan Mircea Ielciu, Aurel Pavel, Irimie Marga, Vasile Grăjdean, Nicolae MoÅŸoiu, Sebastian Moldovan, Constantin Necula, Paul Brusanowski, Ciprian Streza, Constantin Oancea, but also younger scholars Daniel Buda, Åžtefan Toma and the students enrolled in the doctoral studies program of the Faculty of Theology.
Outstanding foreign Orthodox and non-Orthodox theologians, patrologues, and historians have also contributed to our journal during the years, such as John Breck, Jean-Claude Larchet, Gennadios Limouris, Andrew Louth, Stilianos Papadopoulos, Samuel Callian, Keith Hitchins, and Adolf-Martin Ritter.
Under the care and the guidance of the Metropolitan of Transylvania Dr. LaurenÅ£iu Streza, we hope that the "Revista Teologică" will continue to accomplish its noble mission of enlightening the clergy and the theological students with honor.