The translation of the Homily to the Nativity of St. Athanasius is an attempt to complete the Athanasian corpus in Romanian. Its importance lies in the Christological dogmatic value, which refers to the theology of the hypostatic union of Jesus Christ and its consequences: the communication of the attributes between the divine nature and the human nature, the Theotokos, the chenosis, the uniqueness of the divine hypostasis of the Logos and deification.
The homily is remarcable for its emphasis on the divinity of Christ, a theological feature of the Alexandrian School and its representatives.
The homily is remarcable for its emphasis on the divinity of Christ, a theological feature of the Alexandrian School and its representatives.
Cuvinte-cheie: – Athanasius; Homily; Birth of God; Son of God; Mother of God; Birth of Being; Incarnation iconomy; Holy Virgine
Pr. Cornel TOMA este doctor în Teologie Dogmatică și preot paroh la Biserica „Sfinților Ioan Botezătorul și Mina” din Brașov.
Locație : – Brașov, România
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